Chapter 4 - Second Shift?!

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Jem's Pov:

This pain I was feeling felt so bad. It felt as though my whole body was breaking in half. I was shaking so bad uncontrollably. I wanted someone to help me so bad. And that's when I remembered the whistle.

Reaching into my jean pocket, I grabbed onto it tightly as I pulled it out and brought it to my lips. This better work. I thought, before blowing as hard as I could with my short breaths. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe with each passing minute.

A few seconds after I'd blown the whistle, the five wolves who I'd met earlier came out from the woods. When I looked amongst them and finally found Blake, I silently cried out a help. Seeing this, both him and the others shifted back quickly behind trees and came back to surround me. Blake looked the most shocked, to say the least.

"Jem are you okay?" Blake asked in concern.

"No...I' okay..I can't... breathe." I tried to tell him. And just as Blake reached out to grab hold of my hand, everything went black.

'Jem, calm yourself. You're shifting for the second time. But this time, it hurts worse." Silver told me.

'Second shift?!?! Damn, you'd think with all of the pain or the first that there wouldn't be a second!' I shouted.

'Jem tell them, tell them what I'm telling you.'


When everything became clear to me again, and I went back to reality, I saw that all of them had worried expressions on their faces at first. When they saw me moving and breathing properly again, their expressions got happier.

"Jem are you okay?!" Ralph questioned.

"I'm fine. Blake, my wolf said that I was shifting for the second time, is that even possible?" I asked him, looking over to his gaze.

"I'm not sure, unless your wolf has changed." He replied, making everyone turn their attention back to me. If shifting was the only way to tell, then I'd do it. I thought, nodding my head at him. They all helped me up as gently as they could, and once there I headed behind a nearby tree.

When there, I stripped off my cloths and shifted into my wolf. First thing I really noticed, was that I felt a bit taller. To see for myself what'd happened, I went to a nearby stream. I was shocked to say the least, when I came face to face with myself. Instead of my paws, ears, and tail having purple tips they were now a dark blue. And my eyes were no longer purple, but instead they were a dark obsidian color.

After a few minutes of me looking at myself to familiarize, I walked away from the stream. And went back over to where the boys were. They were also pretty shocked.

"Jem is that you? Last time I checked you didn't have black eyes." Max commented.

'Yes it me you idiot.' I told him.

"Wait, did you just get into my head? Because I heard you say that." He said, mumbling he last part. Not even knowing myself, I gave him a death glare and he quickly shut up about it. Going behind a tree quickly, I shifted back and threw on my cloths again.

"So Jem, is that still a no to you joining our pack?" Blake asked, as I stepped out from behind the tree.

"No I'm still not gonna." I told him.

"Please Jem. Please, please, please." Markus and Ralph begged, giving me kind of looked like the famous puppy dog look. But ended up looking more like a constipated puppy dog.

"Okay okay I will. Only if you never do that look again. You two look horrible." I told the both of them, making them hi-five each other. "Are you sure they're not twins?" I whispered to Blake.

"I'm not sure. Maybe they just think the same." He whispered back. Just as I started laughed, Markus suddenly put me on his shoulders and started running all over the place.

"Put me down! I can carry myself Markus." I yelled, hitting his back.

"No way. You're our little sister and were gonna treat you like one." He told me. I could feel him smirking as if he'd won. So, to bring him back reality, I hit him in the back of his head.

"Oww! Why'd you do hit me Jem?" He asked.

"Well the back of your head looked like it needed a good hi-five." I told him. Putting on a smirk of my own. That's when everyone bursted out laughing. Even Markus. This is gonna be fun. I thought.

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