Chapter 12 - Home sweet hell

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Jem's Pov:

I woke up with a jolt of pain. Bitting my lip, was the only way to prevent me from screaming. I looked around the room, and I wasn't in the pack house. I was home.

"No. Not this place!" I said. I got up, and walked over to the window. Which had bars on it. I looked through the windows and saw my parents. I was filled with anger, that they had brought me here.

"I'm glad your awake Jem." Someone said behind me. I turned around and saw none other than Nick.

"Damn you for bringing me here!" I yelled.

"This is your home, why wouldn't you be here?" He said smirking. With a swift moment I slapped him.

"You know very well, why I don't like it here" Suddenly someone opened the door, it was my brother Adam.

"Jem your awake!" He said embracing me. I stood there in shock, then slowly hugged him back.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him. He backed up a little and smiled.

"Were your family, i'm your brother. And we want you here."

"Your no family of mine." I started walking out the door, but someone grabbed my wrist and threw me on their back. I hit there back and puched till I could'nt anymore. I tried my last option, I read his mind.

'They can't wait to see her again.' He thought. I was confused until I saw my parents waiting for me.

"Put me down Adam!" I yelled not wanting to see them. I felt is body tense up, and he let me down. Once I was on the ground, I ran out the door. I felt a pressence behind me, and stopped in my tracks. There stood Adam, Nick, and my parents.

'Use it Jem, use the voice.' Silver said in my head.

'I will.' I replied.

"I command all of you to go back to the pack house. And forget you ever took me here." I said in my ultimate command. Their bodies tenced up, then they started walking home. I took this opportunity to started running back to Richard's territory.

>>Timeskip 20 minutes.........

When I saw his house, I dashed for it. Then I opened the door to see everyone running around, and papers were everywhere.

"I get hurt for one day, and get lost. Just to see this mess?" I said. Then all attention was pointed to me.

"Jem!" They yelled. The first to hug me were the kids.

"Were so sorry, if you hadn't played with us you would've gotten hurt." Lilly said crying.

"But I dont regret it at all, if I wasn't there to help you. Something even worse might've happened." I said smiling.

"Jem." Someone said. Then I looked up to see Richard. Quickly taking in my appearance, to see if I had any physical marks anywhere on me, he ran over to me and gave me what felt like a bone crushing hug.

"Don't you ever do that again." He whispered.

"I....wont. becoming....dark." I said trying to talk. He immediately released me, and did a second check to made sure I was okay. Sure, He did become mad when I showed him my small injuries that he couldn't see in first glance, but he did calm down eventually after throwing a chair or two.

"Jem are you sure your alright?" He asked.

"For the millonth time, yes i'm fine." I said sitting down on the bed.

"Jem you don't know how much I was worried, I thought you were gone." He told me, looking down at his feet, as if ashamed. Feeling bad, I got up and stood up next to him.

"You don't have to worry about me leaving, becuase I can promise that I won't." I said. Suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Can you promise me that?"

"I promise." Then he bent down to my height and kissed me. This wasn't like the other one we'd had earlier, this one was filled with passion. I really did love him, and I wish he knew that. When we broke apart, He said the three words that every girl wants to hear.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Feeling suddenly tired, I then climbed into bed after winking at him; giving him a simple invitation to join me. In which he definitely did. Not even a second later, I felt him come in, and he pulled in me closer to him. I felt so safe in his arms, I was with the man that I trully cared about. And he loved me back.

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