Chapter 21 - Rammed off

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Jem's Pov:

"Admit you took it." I said.

"No way, I sware I didn't take it." He replied.

"Liar. I can see it in your eyes." I said smiling.

"My eyes, are brown." He said smirking.

"And mine are purple, what's your point?"

"I didn't take it!"

"Lies lies lies. Admit you took it Sam!"

You see me and Sam were fighting over the remote, and who got to pick the channel. Then it went missing, and I blamed him for it. What? Wen mamma wanna watch her tv, then mamma's gonna watch her tv!

"Enough!" Both our attention was pointed to an angry Nicki. "Just what are you two fighting about?"

"He took the remote!" I said.

"Did not!" He replied.

"Did too!"

"Did not!

"Did too!"

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Nicki yelled.

I then got up from the couch, and walked outside. There I went into the garage, and found lots of cars but one caught my eye. It was a red farrari. My eyes lit up like Christmas morning and I grabbed the keys to the car, and went inside the car. Then I pulled out and drove off. I wanted to get some stuff off my mind.

As I was on the highway, I turned my mirror and saw a car speeding up to me. Right as we were neck and neck, it ramed into me causing me to almost loose control of the wheel but I kept straite. I looked at the car and saw the driver.

He looked like in his early twenties. He had black hair with blue eyes, and a nose piercing. I pressed the gas petal, trying to get out of there. Then an idea came to mind.

'Richard!' I yelled in mind link.

'Jem where are you?! I've been trying to mind link you!' He yelled.

'Not now, this guy is trying to ram me off the road!'

'Where are you?!'

'I'm on the h-." Then I was ramed again, and the car flipped over. I screamed out as I kept rolling, till I reached the end of the road. My vision got very blurry, and I felt warm liquid on my forehead. I put my hand there, and it was blood. Then I completely blacked out.

Richard's Pov:

I was in my office some doing paperwork, when I heard yelling downstairs but I just shrugged it off. After ten minutes I was sick of the yelling, and I stormed out of my office and walked downstairs. There was Nicki and Sam arguing about something.

"Do you all know, how to use an inside voice?" I asked. Their attention was pointed to me, and they bowed their heads.

"Sorry Alpha." Both of them said.

Then I started looking all around the house for Jem. I haven't seen her all day, and I was starting to get worried. Jared was uneasy about not knowing where his mate was. I walked back into the living room, and they were still in there.

"Have any of you seen Jem?" I asked.

"Yah, she went outside not too long ago." Nicki said. I walked outside, and I picked up Jem's scent. I followed it and it led me to the garage, and I was shocked to see a car missing. The red farrari. I stormed back inside, and sent the trackers to look for her around the territory. 'She couldn't of gotten that far.' I thought.

>>Timeskip ten minutes.......

It'd been ten minutes, and the trackers came up empty in their surch but they keep looking. Everyone was panicking about their Luna was missing, and so was I. 'Jem where are you?!' I thought.

'Richard!' She yelled in my head.

'Jem where are you?! I've been trying to mind link you!' I yelled.

'Not no, this guys trying to ram me off the road.'

'Where are you?!'

'I'm on the h-.' Then she started screaming, and the connecting was cut off. Then I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I fell to the floor. And Jared kept trying to take over.

'Mate, in danger!' He said.

Jem's Pov:

When I woke up, my whole body was hurting. I sat up with the little strength I had, and saw a light in the center of the room everything eles was pitch black. I tried moving my hands but they were tied up. And when I tried to mind link Richard, my head started hurting like hell and I bit down on my lip to prevent a scream.

"Well look who's awake." Someone said. I looked up to see a man. He was the guy who rammed me off the road!

"Why am I here?" I asked with a groggy voice.

"Honestly I have no idea why they want you, I just brought you here. But you know, you sure are pretty little thing aren't you?" He said walked closer, and he touched my face but I moved away.

"Get your filfy hands off of me." I said angry. It felt putrid for another man to even look at me, think how I felt when me touched me. If I knew how to use my powers correctly, I'd so kick his sorry ass.

"Well sorry princess. You know when they're done with you, I might just make you mine."

"Don't ever call me princess, you bastard." And then spit in his face, but he immediately whiping it away. In a quick motion, he slapped me.

When I looked back at him, to see that he had already left. Thank god he's gone. I thought. I looked out the window on the wall, and saw stars. Oh where are you Richard?

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