Chapter 22 - My unknown hero/An Unexpected Offer

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Jem's Pov:

I've been beaten, kicked, punched, and cut. I have various bruses all over my body along with dried blood in my mouth. Due to the kick they gave me on my head, I can't tell whether it's day or night.

I heard the creaking of the door opened, and then footsteps came towards me. I looked up to see an unfamiliar face.

"W-Who are you?" I asked. The person bent down and looked at me, but the face looked blurry with my sight.

"I'm here to take you." They said. I could feel myself loosing consciousness, and I felt myself get lifted up from the ground. The only question that ran through my mind was. 'Who is this person?' Then I blacked out.

Mystery Pov:

I finally found her. We've surched everywhere for Jem, and now we finally have her. I carried her outside of the enemy's base, and took her to my pack.

Timeskip 30 minutes......

I walked through the center of my pack, and the members starred at me in awe. I handed Jem over to my secound in command, then I spoke to my members.

"Members, we finally have found her. Jem! The one we have been surching for this whole time, she was inside the enemy's base. And now that we have her, we'll be unstoppable!" I shouted. They cheered in happiness, that we had found her. Then the cheers died down, and someone spoke up.

"Alpha Cora, how will she react when she's in a rouge pack?" One of my members asked.

"I don't know, but we'll just have to find out." I replied.

A/N: Picture of Alpha Cora

Jem's Pov:

I felt so stiff, as I started moving. I looked up to see a blinding light, and I turned away. I heard shuffling around the room and that light turned off.

"Sorry about the light, we just needed to check you." A girl said. I looked around to see a girl. She looked around the age of seventeen. She had waist high brown hair with green eyes.

"It's alright." I said. Then I sat up and my head started hurting. 'Man I forgot about headaches.' I thought.

"I'll go tell her that your awake." And started walking away, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait, can you tell me where I am?"

"Your in Alpha Cora's pack." Then she left the room. Not even a minute later another girl walked inside. She had waist high black hair with blue eyes. And she seemed a bit taller then regular girls, must be because of the Alpha blood in her.

"Bout time you woke up Jem, I'm Alpha Cora." She explained.

"H-How do you know my name?" I stuttered.

"Well you're the chosen one." Wen that word came out, I just snapped. I jumped from where I was, and held her up by her neck. Her feet kicked trying to break free but I wasn't having it.

"How did you know?" I said with power leaking out of my voice.

"Moon......Goddess dream." She said trying to gasp for air. I released her and she fell to the ground with a thud. I lowered myself to her level.

"Tell me what you know."

"She came to me in a dream, and said that there was a person with much power. And that her name was Jem, she said you could help me with my troubles. I surched everywhere for you and I found you in the enemy's base, so I took you and helped you. Please I need help with my pack, being a female Alpha isn't easy.

And especially if it's a rouge pack. Regular Alpha's think it's impossible for a single woman to lead, those sexist bastards believe everything they heard. But what they don't know is that I didn't choose to become alpha or even a damn rouge." She explained clenching her fiests.

"My mate is an alpha, and I really need to find him. I want to help you and I really do, but I need to help my own pack. I'll tell you what, since I'm the Luna of the pack. Why don't you join ours?" I asked. She lifted her head up, and she had tears in her eyes then quickly wiped them away.

"But I have a whole pack to watch over, I can't just leave them."

"How many are in your pack?"

"Only thirty people, with me included."

"Well Cora, then you can come with me back. I just have to convince Richard."

"You make it sound like it's so easy."

"Well it's not believe me. We really should get going." I said standing up, and was about to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.

"We really should leave at sunrise, it's getting dark outside."

"I'll see you in the morning Cora." I waved goodbye, and she waved back then shut the door. I layed down back on the bed and tried to contact my pack. But nothing was working for some reason. Dammit, I can't tell them we're comming. I thought. I turned on my side, and fell into an dreamless sleep.

Jem was kidnapped the enemy's, and was rescued by this Alpha Cora girl. Which happens to be the Alpha of a rouge pack. Find out what'll happen in my next update, which will be very soon because I don't wanna keep ya'll in suspense too long. Anyways.....



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