Chapter 5 - Moving

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Jem's Pov:

After a few years of being in Blake's pack, I quickly came to big realization starting out in such a unique and prosperous place: If I was ever going to survive out here I had to first trust myself, learn my body and my limits, figure out who I really was. Being such a toxic environment that I was in before truly made me realize now that I had no morals or self love in the slightest for myself. From that point forward, every night after pack training I took longer looks at myself in the mirror every day and made it a habit to say small kind things myself. Along that way I started to heal the wounds of not only my body but my soul. I wasn't perfect in how I looked but I was comfortable in my own skin.

With years of hard work in the pack and standing beside Blake as his right hand in more than one instance, I ended up being the one to bare the chest of the pack warrior on my left shoulder blade. Blake himself was the one who gave it to me after consistently saving having his back. Said I deserved it. Damn straight. Another thing that I found out after a few years of being here was that I had some unusual abilities. One being the power to read minds and the power to command anyone to do anything. Not wanting to cause a panic or unwanted envy to unset the balance of the pack, no one knew about it except for both Ralph and Markus; being the closest two to me.

Today was Saturday according to my alarm clock, and I wasn't really in a rush to do anything. After doing my normal morning hygiene and short exercise routine to warm up my muscles for the day, I went in search for clothes. After close inspection of my wardrobe I put on some nice fitted dark jeans with a plain white tank top and some black sneakers to finish them off before making my way downstairs. There I was greeted by the pack's Omega, Lucy. She had short shoulder length blond hair with dark green big doe eyes. Lucy wasn't much of a fighter and more of a lover so in joining the pack not long ago she happily accepted the role of Omega, but everyone treated her with such high respect because of how sweet she was. That, and because no one could resist doe eyes.

"Hi Lucy, what's for breakfast?" I asked, making my way over to the large table center of the dinning room.

"Good morning Jem. We're having a full buffay today because we're all leaving today." She told me energetically, chopper as usual, as she began setting up places in their designated spots on the table.

"What do you mean we're leaving today?" I questioned and slightly raising my voice above normal, standing up out of my chair.

"Don't worry Jem, we're just joining forces with another pack. I don't know the packs name but you can ask al aha Alpha Blake." She reassured. Her explanation was good and should've been enough, but something told me to check up on that with Blake. Nerves racked through me as I somewhat rudely excused myself and took straight to Blake's office upstairs, walking in immediately unannounced and not taking the time to knock.

"Hey Jem, what's up?" He asked setting down the current stack of paperwork that was in his hands.

"Don't "what's up" me. When were you going to tell me that were moving to another pack?"

"I thought you knew."

"That's not important right now. What pack are we going to?" I was anxious. I was praying to very moon goddess herself that were weren't going back or anywhere close to my old pack.

"We're going to the Blood Moon pack." Thank the moon goddess! I praised to the heavens in my head. And with that confrontation over, I told him I'd be going to pack. Shutting the door behind me and making my way back to my room.

>>Timeskip 20 minutes.......

Finally! I'd finished packing all my things. Now all that was left was for me to relax. I climbed into bed and laid there for a good few seconds until someone knocked on my door.

You've gotta be kidding me! I thought, getting up. I just finished.. there better be an invasion or eles whoever at this door with be so much pain. As I opened the door there outside my room stood Blake. Okay, so I was kidding. Sorta.

"Come on we're about to leave." He told me. Rolling my eyes at him, I grabbed my bags from off my bed and made my way downstairs. There everyone was waiting for me. Once everyone saw me come down they all went outside and into their cars.

Now unlike all of them with their big and fancy cars, I had a motorcycle. This being my first and ONLY transportation, no one was allowed to touch it. If they did they'd be killed in an instant. Blake had even signed an agreement saying I could. What? I loved my baby. It was my escape from the pack house when I needed a break. My freedom with wheels.

Grabbing my helmet off to the side of my bike, I quickly strapped it on and hopped onto my bike. When starting the engine with the turn of my key my bike purred to life. Nothing sounded better to my ears. At take off I was the first to hit the highway. The boys tried their best to keep up with me by going quite a few notches above the speed limit, but they just weren't fast enough for me. So I left them in the dust. Needless to say I was the first to reach the new pack house.

"Show off!" Markus yelled as he got out of his vehicle.

"Well thank you I try." I bragged as I took off my helmet and got off my motorcycle. I hadn't realized before, but quite the crowd had gathered around as more of us from Blake's pack arrived at the scene. As took a look at all the smiling faces, one girl's in particular kind of stood out. She looked so familiar. But I didn't know from where.

As I approached I took notice that her eyes began to water up with each step I took. And then it hit me. This person was none other than Nicki! She was my only friend in my last pack for years, until she moved away with her family for business.

She had long blond hair with pink tips and blue eyes. Believe it or not, like my natural purple hair, the pink tips in hers weren't dyed. She was currently wearing a gray shirt with blue jeans. Once close enough to touch she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Good thing I worked out yesterday or it would've hurt. When we both finally pulled away I saw that she was now full on crying.

"I thought that I'd never see you again." She cried, wiping away her tears.

"Well I'm back." I told her happily making her smile.

"I'm gonna show you to your room!" She exclaimed,  grabbing hold of my wrist and pulling me through the crowd of people to the pack house. She may have looked not that strong to me at first, but now I see or feel it, I definitely underestimated her strength.

After pulling me a few twists and turns, she led me to a place that was apparently my new room. Before she left me to unpack, she then told me that if I did ever need anything that she was just a couple doors down the hall to the left. When I finally did open up my door, I saw shocked to see that there was some really good furniture already there. Specifically a bed. I was exhausted from the trip, so I didn't think a little nap would hurt anyone too bad. I ran over from where I was and caught air right before I crashed dead center into my queen sized bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I instantly fell asleep.

A/N: Picture of Nicki to the side

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