Chapter 3 - Surrounded

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Jem's Pov:

Finally! After all these years of suffering, I was free from that hell hole. I could go anywhere. Do anything. Be anything I wanted. I could finally be myself, after trying so hard to be someone else after so many years.

'Don't get excited yet Jem, we're still a rouge. And even worse, we're on another packs territory.' Silver reminded me.

'You just killed my moment Silver, that's not cool.' I scolded her.

'Well to bad, we still have to be on high alert.'

'Okay okay, I'll be on alert. Just don't be so serious all the time, that's not a good look for you.'

'I know right, I hate being all strict but I'm your wolf Jem. I'm suppose to help you, and I wanna do my job.'

'Silver your the best, anybody would be so lucky to have you as a wolf.'

Just as I turned off our mind link, somewhere very close by, I heard a twig snap. I shot my head in that direction, and came face to face with a total of five wolves. One wolf out of them all caught my eye, because it was much bigger than the rest. That was the one I kept my eye on. He must've been their Alpha.

Thinking about my chances of surviving a brawl with them all, I realized that I'd never be able to take them all on. Much less any of them individually. So I took off. Dashed as fasted as I could for the hills for a possible escape. I knew they were still following me close behind, because the sounds of their snarling and growling.

Because I didn't know the terrain, I didn't realize I was heading straight towards a large rock wall, till it was too late. I'd been cornered. Seeing that I was trapped, they all went behind trees and shifted back into their human forms. When they came out from behind there, I saw that they only had shorts on, with their top halfs bare.

"Shift." The Alpha commanded. This dude must be out of his mind, if he thinks I'm gonna do that. I thought, as I stood my ground.

Seeing my hesistantion, the Alpha threw a large shirt and similar shorts to what they were wearing at me. Catching it with my teeth, I took the cloths with me behind the tree and shifted back. Once I finished changing, I stepped from behind the tree to face them all. Who all already had their eyes trained on my every move.

"Why are you on my territory?" The Alpha asked.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to trespass on your territory." I told him, minding my manners. I didn't want to start any conflict.

"You don't look like you've been a rouge for long. Not only that, but you look pretty young. Shouldn't you be with your pack?" One of the other boys asked.

"I'm not going back to my pack, I ran away." I told him earnestly.

"Why did you run away?" The Alpha questioned.

"It's a long story, in which I'm not going to tell because I don't even know your names. I'm not gonna tell my life story to people who I just met." I growled, trying my best not to sound rude.

"If you wanted to know our names, you could've just asked. I'm Blake, the Alpha of the Half Moon pack. The one with the brown hair is my beta Travis. The blonde is Max. The one with black hair is Ralph. And that's Markus." He explained.

"What's your name beautiful?" Ralph asked, as if suddenly interested in me. Which I certainly wasn't in him.

"My names Jem." I told him.

"Well Jem, would you like to join our pack?" Blake asked. I was totally shocked at the question, this would be big for us. But what if they hurt me like last time?

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to say no, you all seem nice but I'm not sure I can trust you." I told Blake, taking a few steps off to the side.

"But you can't leave us Jem. We're family now! You're gonna be my sister!" Markus told me, strangely excited.

"No way she's gonna be my sister." Ralph argued.

"No way she's gonna be my sister." Markus argued back.





"Will both of you hush, you're hurting my ears with your arguing. Look, don't take this the wrong way, but I've been through a lot today. I just wanna be alone." I told them all, making everyone quiet down. None of them said anything after that, so I started walking away. But before I could go deeper into the woods, Blake grabbed hold of my left arm.

"If you ever need help, blow this. We'll come help you okay." Blake whispered to me, taking my left hand, and putting the whistle in it. With that done, he took off in the opposite direction. With the rest of the boys following close behind. For a good few minutes, I felt so bad for what I said, but after what I'd been through, I needed my space.

>>Timeskip 20 minutes.......

I for sure still had the stamina of a baby elephant. I so exhausted with the constant running, that I'd collapsed. It would've been so much easier in my wolf form for sure. I just felt so drained for so reason. Just as I let out a long sigh, a burning sensation made its way all along my body. My whole body was enflamed. It felt like my first ever shift, but ten times worse. Someone help me. I thought.

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