Chapter 6 - Alpha

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Jem's Pov:

Usually, when my alarm clock goes off, I am ready to get straight out of bed and start work. But not today. Today was not my day. The loud sound this machine was making was really ticking me off. So I did the only logical thing. Using what little strength I had in my left arm, I grabbed hold of it, and threw it into the nearest wall.

I thought that would surely solve my problem. Until I ran into another. I couldn't go back to sleep. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, I dragged myself up out of bed and into the shower. I have to admit, the hot water felt so good on my tense muscles, that I didn't wanna move for a good ten minutes.

Once I was finally ready to get out, the first thing I did was dry my hair. After that I did the rest of me, then picked out the first thing I saw hanging in my closet. Which was a black t-shirt with the words 'Livin Life', with a pair of skinny jeans, and then finished it out with some black sneakers.

Since I was pretty hungry right now, I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen for some breakfast. But when I saw that no one was there making anything, I made the executive decision to cook something up. Surely no one would mind. We all shared this house. After doing some checking for the right ingredients, I saw everything was there for me to make my special French toast. With a twist.

>>Timeskip 40 minutes...........

After the hard work in the kitchen, I had now made enough food to feed an army. I knew werewolves could eat their fill, and then some just for the heck of it, so I made sure to make enough. People must've smelt the deliciousness, cause soon after I'd put the last toast down, there came people from upstairs to sit down at the table. Though when I placed all the plates of French toast down in front of them, they all starred at me like I was crazy.

"Is this all your gonna feed us? French toast." Blake asked, looking amused by he pieces of bread.

"Hold on a minute, I know that smell. That's your famous french toast!" Nicki squealed.

"What's so good about french toast?" Ralph asked her.

"Taste it, I dare you. Once you take one bite, it's love at first bite." Nicki taunted. Right after she said that, Ralph grabbed a fork from off the side of his plate, grabbed one of the French toasts, and took a bite. I already had my phone out recording, so when the big smile spread across his face, I couldn't help but laugh.

"This is the best french toast ever! Taste it." He laughed, with his mouth still full. Mission complete. I thought, as I saw everyone take their share of food. Good thing I already had my share, or I'd be eating their scraps. Looking over to the side, I saw two little pups fighting with plastic swords.

"I challenge you Nicholas to a duel, for the french toast. Whoever wins gets to eat it." One of the little boy's commanded, pointing his sword at him.

"Challenge accepted Liam, let us fight to the death." The other little boy said, pulling the plate with the french toast on the table, before running outside to battle his friend. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little girl showed up out of nowhere and take the french toast off of the plate.

Making me start laughing at the thought. Those two little boys are gonna be in for a suprise when they come inside to see no toast. I thought. As the little girl started walking away right after eating it, I stepped out in front of her. I wanted to give her a little talking to.

"I saw what you did." I told her, making her stiffen up.

"Please don't tell them, I was so hungry. And they got five, and I only got that one." She whimpered, with her head down. Looking closer, I saw a single tear fall down from her face. This for some reason pained me to watch, and following my maternal instincts, I embraced her. She looked shocked for good minute, but then finally hugged me back after getting comfortable.

"Do you wanna see my dolls?" She asked me, as I released her. I nodded my head in response and she dragged me all the way up to her room. Which was completely light purple room, with white swirls everywhere. Once my eyes actually drifted to the things in the room, I saw a huge dollhouse.

"So anyways, what's your name?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"I'm Lilly, the Alpha's little sister. What's your name?" This kid was the Alpha's little sister? If anyone should get the most french toast, it would've been her. I wonder why she only got one.

"My names Jem." With that said, she smiled up at me and started playing with her dolls. Even though I didn't have anything to do, I felt strangely happy to be next to her. As I was starting to get more comfortable, the delicious scent suddenly came to me. It smelled like pine with whole lot of chocolate. Then suddenly, the person, well man, came barging into the room.

"Mate." He whispered. What?! This can't be happening.

"I think you've got the wrong person wolfie, you see, I already have a mate." He started growling. Then with a swift movement, he picked me up to my feet and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"You're mine, and mine alone." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. Dammit why is this happening? I thought.

'I don't know Jem, but I feel attracted to him.' Silver told me.

'How is that even possible?! I already have an asshole of a mate, I don't need another' I replied.

'I know that' And with that said the connection was cut off.

"I don't belong to anyone." I said pushing him off of me.

"Big brother, why are you doing this?" Lilly asked. What a minute! He's the Alpha of this pack?! I'm screwed I thought.

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