a new couple

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"Ki-Kian" I whispered hanging on to him and pointing to the couple sucking face in the back corner

"What..? Oh" he said, his face filled with anger

"Kian, stop" I tried to hold him back as he headed into the bar area

"SAM?!?" He yelled at him

Sam pushed Kat away from him and surrendered

"It's not what it looks like" Sam pleaded, what else would it look like

"Awww is the boyfriend helping you" Kat said sarcastically, like usual

"Kat do us allllll a favor and get out of here and don't mess with my friends!" I yelled at her, now we started something and everyone noticed

"This isn't the last of me" she pointed at me and Kian like she was the shit "c'mon Sam" she said grabbing his hand and heading away

"C'mon Kian, it's ok, let's go" I'd told him but he just looked down and didn't grab my hand

We left the bar ignoring the staring faces that were watching us. Kian took my arm, like my while arm, and pulled me out of the restaurant, out of the mall, and into his car without saying a word or anything

"Kian, it's gonna be fine" I tried to tell him but he cut off

"No it's not, Rosi he makes the worst decisions and I'm afraid he will get hurt, that's it I'm calling him I need to talk to him" he said grabbing for his phone

"I don't know about that-" I started but he had the phone already ringing

He told Sam that they needed to talk and Sam told him he was just at his apartment. Kian explained to me that he really emphasized the fact he was alone, Kian surely wasn't convinced.
We were right in front of the apartment and we weren't out of the car

"Rosi, tell Sam about your little, classmate. Like what she does and everything!" Kian told me

"Fine" I told him getting out of the car

When we got to his room, Kian knocked on the door and was greeted by a quiet Sam who opened the door and walked away, hinting for us to just walk in. The apartment truly was a mess. Clothes, food, and random crap scattered the ground and definitely was going to stay that way.

"So what do you ant?" Sam shot at Kian and I

"You and Kat, I can't let you walk in a bad decision again" Kian said to him

"You aren't the boss of me Kian" he stood up and crossed his arms like a little kid wanting to get his way "and why is she here??" He said practically yelling

"Because I know more information about Kat than you will ever know" I stated

"Like she drinks, smokes, and has a friend in jail. Also she hooks up with every guy she meets??" Now he WAS yelling.

"Ho-how did you know, and you are still fine with that?!?!" I said so mad and angry

"Yes, I am, she has changed!!" He pleaded, I knew what he was doing, just trying to get us to like Kat

"I doubt it" me and Kian both said

"Excuse me, yes I have!!" I heard from the other room, and there came out a storming Kat. Not only was she here, but she was wearing a sports bra and see through leggings......it made me uncomfortable. She went straight over and hung to Sam

"We are dating" Sam said kissing her on the cheek

"I'm done" I said walking out and Kian behind me slamming the door.

What the hell just happened..

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