quiet ones

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Yea I guess you can say I was nervous...I man me and Kat havent been on good terms and me and Sam were NEVER on good terms.

"Are you sure about this? You don't have to do this" Kian assured me

"....I have to, it'll be fine" I said stepping out of the car flipping my hair over my shoulder

We walked up the the hugs wooden doors in front of her house, they were so beautiful. The design mimicked a flowery garden but still kept the colors of white and red. You can also say I'm a sucker for beautiful home suck as this one nape cause when we went to the door, Kat let us in showing a huge open front room with an amazing chandelier in the middle of the ascending staircase which curved like a C.

"You can leave your shoes there" she said pointing to a rug with Sam and someone else's shoes. "We are downstairs on the movie room, Sam is watching Americas Got Talent and is currently yelling at the screen" that made me laugh because I do that all the time

We walked down stairs to a huge open room with a small kitchen and a huge leather couch where Sam was verging in front of the massive flat screen.

"Hey guys!" I heard Jc say from the kitchen as he came from the open doorway of the fridge. He was carrying 6 pop cans...6? Who else is here?

"Also JC and Lia are here" Kat said biting her lip "is that ok?"

"Yea of course!" Kian said as I was about to say the same words

"Ok so we have chips, candy, and pop so help yourself and we are gonna watch The Quiet Ones and The Fault In Our Stars, my dad is a producer so her gets movies easily" Kat told us smiling, she really was sweet and kind

Me and Kian took a seat on the ground with pillows and a blanket with the pretzel bowl in between us.

We first watched The Quiet Ones which if you don't know is a horror movie about a group that experiments on the possessed and well shit goes down, just like every.single.horror.movie but that's ok with meeeeeee.

Me and Kian clung together for most of the movie, Kian said he had to use the bathroom so he got up, and so did Kat...

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