i want to be drunk when i wake up

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My drunk body stumbled up and down the sidewalks, barely missing the holes and mailboxes. The city lights glowed behind me but my vision was so fucked up it look like long stringed stars, like when there is something smudged on your glasses and you look at any light. My eyes slowly closed further and further every minute. My sore bloodshot eyes scanned up and down the lamp-lit street scanning for a familiar house, and it wasn't mine.

Finally I reached my second home, where Connor , Jc, trevor, and ricky were hanging out, I knew the boys would help me get through the night to be at least 75% in the morning. I reached the huge wooden door and banged on it. Ricky immediately opened the door and was washed with horror seeing me like this.

"Rosi?!" He said taking me in and calling for the others

"Oh shit" "Rosi??" "What happened" were what was said around me as Ricky led me to the couch and went and got aspirin I believe and water.

"K-k-kiiian ch-ch-ch-eeeeeeeateddd on meh" I slurred trying not to pass out, I don't think 'cheated on me' were the right words but he was dancing very very close with another girl, it's reasonable to say he cheated.

"Kian did? That's not possible he loves you to much" I heard Connor say, that's all that I could make out, still trying not to pass out at their aid.

"hhhhhheee diiid" I said starting to cry, my warm tears flew fast down on my face remembering how fun he was having with Kat, it wasn't Kat, Kats nice, it's kian who can't help himself ugh I want to punch him

"Why would he do that? It's not making sense!!" Jc yelled out, very angry at the situation, as the group agreed

"I dooontt knowww" I said still tears in my eyes as my eyes were still stinging and even more bloodshot

"We are here for ya Rosi, let's get you some rest and get you out of that outfit, you look tired and drunk as hell" Jc said carrying me when the door from the entrance created open

"Hey guys I'm home!" A familiar warming voice yelled from the front room. I clung to Jc and started to cry again when I realized it was Kian.

"Jcc-c-c takeeee me upstairs I don't want to seeeeeee himmm " I begged quickly but it was too late, Kian was in the room staring at the drunk girl wrapped in Jcs arms bridal styled and was on the verge of literately passing out.

"What happened!?!" Kian said pointing at my lifeless body laying in Jcs arms.

"You, that's what happened!" Ricky yelled

"I didn't do shit to her!" Kian yelled at the 4 defenseless but angry boys

"How was dancing with, who was it, Kat?!" Connor yelled straight to Kian

"That's nothing!" Kian yelled back that's when trevor was told by Jc to hold me, Jc walked over to Kian and yelled right up in his face:

"If you think Sam makes the worst mistakes you are dumb as shit! It's you Kian! You lead this amazing and gorgeous girl to believe she was the only one you wanted! Well haha ya know what Kian, you lost her, you really did! You are so stupid and careless, like 'I'm Kian lawley' no Kian not today not ever because of you Rosi is lifeless in Trevor's arms and is going to wake up this sad and miserable like she was before she met her Prince Charming that was supposed to save her but you know what you just did to the Cinderella????? You crushed her glass slipper and now she will never forget it! Fuck you Kian and fuck your carelessness!" Jc yelled to him

and walked straight over to my drunken body and took me upstairs to a spare bedroom where I laid, still alive but barely breathing. The images of the hot sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other, like sex with clothes, played in my head, played till my mind scattered into a million pieces and my heart crashed on the floor, kinda like a glass slipper would. As I sat semi comfortably in the bed upstairs I heard more of the feuding, Kian against Trevor, JC, Connor and Ricky. I hope they fight hard, Kian deserves to be crushed like I was.

'You crushed her glass slipper' the words I were able to make us from the loud statement JC yelled to Kian played in my head like a song overplayed on the radio. Kian did crush my glass slipper,

And my heart

Like glass, he stepped all over my heart like glass.

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