that weekend pt.2

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As we inched closer and closer to the club, the ground vibrated to the music. The bass played all over the city. Kian grabbed my hand as we finally pulled in. I saw a lot of short skirts and tight dresses, it made me very insecure like I belonged at a 5SOS concert, not a California Summer Club.

"Rosi, you look gorgeous" he said squeezing my hand a little tighter.

"thanks" I said quietly I started to get out of the car but pulled back in

"I mean it" he said smiling

We got out and walked down the sidewalk to the club. The club was enclosed and 3 stories plus a rooftop. There was a DJ on all 4 floors blaring dubstep, pop, alternative, rock, you name it. The ground banged to the beat as we started into the doors. The bright lights shown onto the black walls. Black light shown all over the room. There was separate little couch areas, a bar with tubes filled with colorful substance shown from behind the multiple alcohol bottles, and the dance floor was no more than a cleared out space with a DJ in front of it. Me and kian quickly spotted Sam, Kat, JC, and Lia.

"Hey guys!" Kian yelled to the small crowd sitting in a small couched area.

"Hi!" They said in unison.

"Do you guys want drinks? My friend Kyle is working in the bar so drinks are discounted!" Jc told us as we sat down, Kian sitting next to Kat me by Jc.

"Kian I don't drink" I whispered to Kian

"2 UV Blues with Sprite" he told Jc

"Did you not fucking hear me" I questioned to him again

"Just go with it!" Kian said as we continued with the small conversation that was going on around us.

"Here you go!" Jc said handing me and kian blue, raspberry smelling drinks

I took a sip and drank the whole glass down in seconds, even before Kian did. That was my first taste of alcohol and It was amazing! The cool taste warmed me. Kian looked at me shocked for I just downed that whole concoction in seconds

"Let's dance!!" Lia and Kat said trailing their boyfriends to the dance floor. I studied how they danced, girls back to guys front, circular motion with hips, and the guys hands trailing the girls side, oh shit I was not ready for this..

"Cmon loosen up, I will guide you" Kian said as he noticed my uneasiness to the situation around us.

He spread his legs out motioning for me to do the same. He placed his quite large hands on my hips and wound in an almost circular motion. His hands trailed my sides as my hips swirled keeping up with the fast beat. My hair hung low to my back and my eyes scanned through the lights as I saw Kat, hands down, dancing amazing with Sam. Lia with Jc was even amazing. Kat and Sam connected through dancing and me and Kian didn't..

I looked up to see Kian, bright eyed at Kats rhythmic body. He was fooling anyone, he texts her all day, I know he likes her maybe more than he likes me.

I wasn't ready to be in the situation where I had to be jealous, but I wasn't fooling anyone, I was upset and insecure, Kat was always happy, gorgeous, and amazing with guys.

"Kian, I'm taking a break" I said walking as fast as I can off the dance floor

As I reached the couches, another guy joined me, not Kian, but Sam. Sam came to me crying, a look of pain.

"Sam-" I started but was embraced by him as he cried into my shirt. His red stinged eyes came crashing onto my shoulder as he didn't even explain

"Look!" He said pointing to the dance floor where I saw 2 familiar people dancing on each other, Kian and Kat. "I was dancing with Kat when I got pushed by Kian, he took over and started to dance with Kat, they are amazing together, and they don't care!" Sam said finally explaining what happened

"I knew he didn't like me, I knew he liked Kat" I said before realizing I had tears of my own flowing from my eyes. The tears stung my face as the rolled down and crashed onto my lap.

As a tray of shots rolled around to our table, I took one and hammered it down like I always saw in the movies. The strong hard liquor trailed down deep through my throat and stung it. I slammed the small shot glass back onto the wooden ledge that stood above the couches. My tears were about to be washed away with alcohol but I was stopped by the loud blaring voice of a boy right next to me, aka Sam

"Rosi! That's a shot!" He said looking at me surprised

"Ya! No shit!" I said then realizing what I just said to him "no, sorry Sam that was a real bitchy move"

"No it's fine, you are sad, i am sad. I'm really stressed out, I don't know about you" Sam said fighting his hands

Sam then go up as I still was in shock holding back a river of tears, he started to lean in, I turned my face so all he kissed was my cheek.

"I-I'm sorry, no I can't" I said as I ran out of the club all the way to the sidewalk. I looked at my options, right or left and choose right since, left led to the beach, right was turning to be close to my neighborhood.

My heart felt like it went on overload and was about to crumble. I never got that image out of my head, their two bodies right on each other. I ran down the street hoping my house was closer than i thought, but I knew I had a long way to go. I couldn't escape the thoughts

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