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Technic School

Technic playing game at his phone and someone just sit beside him

"Auu,who are you?are you new students?😮"Technic ask someone who just sit beside him


"You cant talk?i'm sorry😰" Technic doing something at his hand

"Kengkla,Kla😑" Kengkla said his name and start doing some homework

"Hi Kla..i thought u cant talk..by the way,Nice to meet you!!my name is Technic just call me Nic😀"said technic

"...." silent again

"Err..by the way..my brother said that he want 1 more people to join football team..do you want to join?😊" Technic break the silent

"I'm busy" Kengkla so bored with Technic questions

"You cant..i thought you like sport😕" Technic start doing his homework

"Did i say that i like sport?!😒"

"No but your face like athelet😄"


"Ai'Tinn,i think you have to apologize to them😦" said Pete to Tinn

"It's it about yesterday😒?why😒?are you fall in love with one of them😒?who?😒" Tinn focus on Pete

"No,i just want to say that your word is so mean to them😡" said pete again

"Why? I'm right because they just lower than us and you dont close to them because they just want your money😡" Tinn said and countinue writing

"They not like what you thinking about😡" pete


"I hope someone can change you😧" pete said again

"Never and no one will change me😡 , just stop talking about yesterday!!😡"Tinn mad at pete


"Who pick you?😆" Said Technic to Kengkla when school end

"I drive my car😑"said Kengkla bored with Technic question

"Wahhh,you have your own car?😲Cool,can i join?!!😍" Technic excited

Techno just saw technic want to get on someone car

"Ai'Nic😲!!where are you going naa😠!!do you want to skip trainee😠!!you just agree right!!😠" Techno shouted at Technic that almost going to Kengkla car

Kengkla just look at the boy that just bumped him yesterday

"Auuu,we meet yesterday right?😀" Techno pointed at Kengkla and Kengkla just silent

"Ai'Kla..this is my brother..Techno☺" Technic introduce his brother at Kengkla

Kengkla wai at Techno

"Ahhh,by the way...i search for new members for football trainee..do you want to join😁" said Techno

"I just ask him but kengkla busy😔" Technic

"Ouhh,okay then,we have to go now!!bye😊" Techno smile at Kengkla but Kengkla just got in car without say bye and smile

When Kengkla car gone Techno and Technic look at each other and their eyebrow 😞going up and its mean they dont know what happend to Kengkla that make Kengkla Coldheart and after that Technic and Techno they going to Field school


Kengkla stop his car at the park that he always go by himself and start think about his past

Kengkla Flashback

"Kengkla,can you treat me?because i dont have money to buy some launch😦" Tip talk to his friends Kengkla

"Okay!what do you want☺" Kengkla

"Lets go at BBQ restaurant!!😆" Tip

"Okay☺" Kengkla

When Kengkla at his Old school,Kengkla has many friends but they all wants to friend with Kengkla because Money and at Kengkla Old school,Kengkla is so happy and not coldheart but something happen that make Kengkla switch 100% Kengkla that always happy became Coldheart

"Kis,where are you been yesterday?😕" Kengkla

Kis is Kengkla ex girlfriend at old school👧

"Nothing,just have some party at my cousin house☺" kis smile at Kengkla

"By the way, your card dont have enough money for me😣!!can you put me some money at my card😦" Kis

"I just give you 1200 right?😰" Kengkla

"But that 1200 cant afford my weekends😩" Kis

"Hmm,okay!!this afternoon i will put some money at your accounts bank☺,by the way,do you free this saturday?😃" Kengkla

"I'm sorry babe,i have my birthday party at my cousin house😯" Kis

"Again?😑" Kengkal

"Yesterday just party,not birthday party😡" Kis

"Okay😔" kengkla


"I'm so bored😫" Kengkla

Kengkla take his phone and call his friends

"Ai'Tip,do you free?😃" Kengkla

"No,because i have some party to attend" Tip

"You too?okay,thank you😧" Kengkla off his phone

Kengkla go to mall by himself and something make him want to go to cinema,at cinema he see someone he know

"Tip and Kis?😲" Kengkla

Tip and Kis doesnt know that Kengkla spy them and after the cinema end Kengkla saw Tip and Kis at back building,Kengkla shock because he saw Kis and Tip kissing, Kengkla saw that just drove herself back home

"Kla!are you okay?😕" Kengkla dad

"I'm okay dad😟" kengkla

Kengkla sad because nobody can make him happy like his mother do to him, Kengkla miss his mother that just Past 2 years ago, Kengkla know that Tip more handsome than him and after that kengkla just realise that he so dumb and start being coldheart after that

When school,Kengkla broke with Kis and dont have any friends because they all scared at Kengkla that always angry

End Flashback

Kengkla drive back home and just going to his bedroom because he lonely and his father outstation because of work

Hi guys
I'm back with Kengkal And Techno Couple
Dont worry i will update other couple soon
Guys,vote please..dont shy shy😂😂

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