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Kengkla is still driving and suddenly someone call him and after he check the name he pick up the phone and open loud speaker because he still drive

"Hello,is this Kengkla siwat"

"Yes that me"

"You have to come to the address that i will give you after this and please came early"


Ends call Kengkla get massage and he want to look at the address but he saw that one of the car is drive through him with high speed and suddenly he just see black in his eyes


Ple that just in the hospital seem like weird because she just see one of the ambulans come and what make Ple shock because she see the doctor is pull the hospital bed that seem like Kengkla at there and she want to see clearly and she run at the doctor and yes she see kengkla with many blood at his face

"What happen to him" said Ple worried to one of the doctor

"He accident and the suspect just arrest by the police because the suspect is drunk while drive" said doctor

"Can you please step aside because he have to do the check" said doctor again

Ple just step aside at sit at one of the chair

"What just happen here?!i just meet kengkla a couple minute ago and i meet him again in this condition?!" Said Ple

"Did i have to tell Techno about this?!what if he shock and fainted?!but what happen if i not tell this to P'No?!did kengkla ok?" Ple try to think hardly but she cant and after that she call Tin and Red and Type

After 10 minute they all gather at Ple and say what happen to Kengkla and Ple just shook his head

"What happen to Kengkla Ple?" Said Type

"I dont know!!i just want to visited Techno and i see the doctor come with Kengkla and his head has many blood and Techno dont know what happen to Kengkla right now" said Ple at hide her face with her hand

"Dont worry,Kengkla will be okay" said Tinn and hug Ple

"I'm tired,i want to sleep,i want to sleep at Techno room and after the doctor tell you about kengkla condition please tell me" said Ple

"I will accompany you" said Good and Type nod

Good,Type and Ple go to Techno room and he see Techno eat and Ple just lay at the couch and sleep while Type and Good is talk to Techno about his condition and they not talk about Kengkla because they afraid that Techno will shock


"Doctor,Kengkla ok?!" Said Can

"His ok but i want to meet his family" Said doctor

"His family is not here they at outstation" said Tin

"And who are you?!" Said the doctor

"We are his friends" said Tin

"Okay,Kengkla is okay but i think he needs time to remember you all" said doctor

"That mean?! Kengkla doesnt know who we are?! Techno too?!" Said Red

"I'm sorry,his head lost many blood and i think his head bumped hard at something and that make Kengkla lost his memory but dont worry because he will remember soon and i hope you guys can help him remember his memory too" said doctor and walk away

"What we have to do to make kengkla memory came back?" Said Can

"Techno?!" Tinn

"I dont think so because Kengkla is not a social people and he will mad if someone that he doesnt know talk to him" said Technic

"How you know?!" Said Tinn

"I'm the first want talk to him after he enter my class" said Technic again

"Lets go to the Techno room and talk slowly with techno about Kengkla condition because i doesnt want Techno shock" said Tinn and walk to Techno room


Hi guys
Sorry for my english
This time i have idea
Sorry for make kengkla hurts
This chapter will ends
Thanks for support
Thank for 30k reads and 1k vote

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