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Kengkla sigh after his dad made mad face at kengkla because kengkla doesnt want to get out from car

"I will lend you this car,dont go too far okay😊" kengkla dad give kengkla key car and kengkla just nod his head and take the key.kengkla dad go to airport with taxi

After kengkla dad gone Technic look at kengkla with smile

"Hi kengkla,welcome to my house,btw about the camp you have to go because you cant stay here alone and that what your dad told me😆" Technic laugh soft and kengkla just sigh and they get in the house

"Okay,this is my house,i stay here with my brother only,my mom rent another house because she want me and my brother to live wothout any help from my mom and my dad just dead 10 years ago.i hope you like it because my house not as big like your house😄" technic giggle

"You can sit here and i want to make some drink for you😀" Technic go to kitchen

Techno that just finish his shower shock because kengkla at his house and kengkla shock because he see Techno body because Techno just wear his pants and he rubbing his wet hair using his towel

Techno that just finish his shower shock because kengkla at his house and kengkla shock because he see Techno body because Techno just wear his pants and he rubbing his wet hair using his towel

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*just imagine that was techno body and if you know who body in that picture it mean you are the real fandom😂*

"Auuu,P'No,why you wearing like this go to your room,we have guest here!look at Kengkla face its turn red right now😂" Technic look at kengkla and smirk

"Why Kengkla face became red?he man right? Or he like my brother? But i dont think because kengkla not gay but since when Techno has ABS!😕" Technic say in his heart because he dont want anyone to hear his word

"I dont know because you not tell that one of your friends will came😑" Techno still rubbing his hair

"You not ask about that😉" Technic

"Ahh,you right! By the way i will came back😊" Techno go to his bedroom

"You will sleep at my bedroom and tomorrow you have to go to camp because tommorow will start the holiday😆" technic sit beside kengkla

After 5 minute Techno came to living room with casual shirt

"Do you go to camp too?dont worry,its not for football its just for fun😊" ask Techno to kengkla and kengkla just nod

"Good,go to technic room because its turn dark now,if you want to dinner go to kitchen and remember you guys have to wake up early😊" Techno

"Ok😄" Technic say and drage Kengkla to his room

"Lets sleep😊" Technic see that kengkla eyes big

"Dont worry,i'm not interested in you😆" Technic giggle

"I'm not interested in you to you know!😠" kengkla

"Do you interested at my brother?😆" Technic

"I'm--not--,I'm not gay okay😣" kengkla

"Why you nervous?busted😉 " Technic laugh hard

"Shut up😡" Kengkla want to off the light but stopped by technic

"Don't close the light,techno have to wake us up😄" Technic

"Why?he can wake us up if the light off right?😕" Kengkla

"No,he scared of dark,he will  imagine something weird if he in dark😄" technic gave kengkla eyes sleeping mask and kengkla just lay and Wear the eyes sleeping mask

In the morning kengkla wake up because he hear something noisy at kitchen and kengkla follow the sound direction and after he close to the noise he saw techno cooking

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In the morning kengkla wake up because he hear something noisy at kitchen and kengkla follow the sound direction and after he close to the noise he saw techno cooking

"Auu,you wake up?sorry if I make you wake😰" Techno

"no,I'm always wake up early like this😅" kengkla sit at kitchen chair

"Cool,technic is so hard to get up,I always late to school because technic😄" techno laugh soft because he think that Technic is cute

"What are you doing?😕" Ask Kengkla

"I make you guys breakfast,I hope you like it😃" Techno

"Don't worry I eat what ever in front of me😊" Kengkla smile to techno but kengkla don't really like to smile but if he with techno he always smile and happy and kengkla also doesn't know what happen to him

"I will wake Nic up,you sit here and eat the breakfast and of you finish the food go to shower😊" Techno rubbing kengkla hair

They all wait the bus,after 1hour the bus come at techno house

Hi guys
Thank you for always wait for this story
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Hi guysThank you for always wait for this storyThank you for 2k

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😭😚They cute in this pic😭😘

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