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"What are you doing?" Ask Kengkla to techno that busy doing something

"I'm doing drink for them" Said Techno and then smile to Kengkla

Techno boiled water using kettle at gas stove and after 3 minute the water boiled and techno want to close the gas suddenly Techno hand injured because Techno hand touch the hot kettle

"Auu,Shia!!" Techno hold his hand and he blow his finger that just injured

"Why?" Kengkla stand up after he hear Techno just shouted and he going to Techno and after he see Techno Finger injured he drage Techno to sink and he back hug Techno to wash Techno finger

"Auu,its hurt" Techno said in pain

Kengkla wash Techno finger and he look at Techno at beside him and he too close from Techno like 2cm

Techno that realise that kengkla look at him and he also look at kengkla with confuse mind

Kengkla already at him world and Kengkla slowly lean forward his head to Techno and Techno that blur just stay still at his position and still look at Kengkla and in 5 second Kengkla lips slowly touch Techno lips and Kengkla kiss Techno softly and after Kengkla lips lend at Techno lips Techno shock but he cant move his head because Kengkla hand hold his head to stay still and after that the kiss became deep because Kengkla bite Techno down lips and Techno just do what Kengkla do and kiss him back

After 1 minute Kengkla break his kiss and kengkla look at Techno that breath heavily

"I'm.." Kengkla don't know what to tell to Techno

Techno look at Kengkla and he do drink and ignore Kengkla because he fell awkward

"Techno,i'm..." Kengkla can't finish his word because Techno get out from kitchen with water that he just do and ignore Kengkla again

"What I has done!!" Kengkla mad at himself

Techno start to ignore Kengkla after Kengkla kiss him


"Nic,i want to tell you something but you have to promise me not to tell everyone" Kengkla said to Technic after Technic walk in bedroom

"What?" Said Technic and still look at his phone

"You know I like your brother right?" Said Kengkla

"Yes!" Said Technic and now focus to Kengkla excited

"I just.." kengkla don't know what to say about that

"You just what?!,say something!" Said Technic excited

"I just kiss your brother" kengkla

"Cool!!,so?!what happen?!" Ask Technic

"After that he start to ignore me" Kengkla

"Auu,why you sad?! I know my brother really much and I know he not gay but you have to do something to make he fall in love with you" Technic

"What I has to do?" Ask Kengkla

"My brother like kind girl" Technic

"That is his Girl Type!!not man!" Kengkla

"Just being nice to everyone" Technic

"Just that?" Kengkla

"Yeah,I will help you" Technic

"Me too!!" Said someone

"Ple!!Red!!,what you guys doing here?" Said Kengkla

"Ermm,I just eccidently hear what you guys said and we want to help to" Red said happily

"You guys really want to help?" Said Kengkla

" yes" Ple and Red said together

"Okay then,do you have any plan?" Said Technic excited

"Maybe,what if...."

Thanks for waited this story
Sorry if this story bored for you guys
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If you guys support this story I will do this chapter long

And finally our KlaNo at ep.10 but its to short for me

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