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After holiday is end they all start their school and Kengkla not stay at Techni house because his father came early

"You have to do some exercise Can!!" Techno shouted at Can that just stop in just 2 lap

"Ai'Good!!when you want to start run?" Said Techno to Good that just look at him

"Did i have to run to?" Said Good

"No,i want you to walk like a model,of course i want you to run!!!" Techno said and Good run from Techno

"Ai'No,something happen?" Said Type that realise that Techno became weird

"Nothing,something that nake me mad this day but dont worry i will ok" Techno

-Ai'No!!can you accompany me!!i want to go to back school building

-why you want to go there?

-i have to take something at there

-are you buy something bad!!dont do that Nic!!

-No..i not people like that okay

-okay!i will wait you at my school gate


"P'No!where are you going?" Good

"I have to accompany Technic to go somewhere!,why you here?the practice just end" Techno

"Can i join you P'..,i'm lonely and Can always left me alone because he always go to eat something with P'Type" Good

"Auu,ok ok,lets go" Techno lend his hand at Good shoulder and start walk to Technic school

"Auu,Ai'Good!!why you here?" Technic say after he saw Good with Techno

"I'm lonely and why you not go to practice?" Said Good

"Busy with exam" Technic said and smile

They go to back school building and they wait in 3minute and suddenly 2 guys run at them with knife

"Give me the money!" Say man with black hoodie and mask

"Who are you?!" Say Techno and he take Good and Technic to hide at his back to save them

"Just give me the money!!" Another man with same cloth but he body not to tall like another one

"I..i dont have any money to give you guys" Said Techno

Good saw a medium rock at his back and he slowly take the rock and he throw the rock at the bad man

"What are you doing!!" The bad guys rub his head that just hit by rock

"No,no,no..he dont do anything" Techno

"He throw rock at me!!" The bad guys said at his friends

"Lets go" the bad guys said and they hit Techno,Technic and Good


"You guys ready!!" Red said at someone he pay for act

"Yeah" The man said

"Wait2x..did you pay someone to beat Techno and his friends?" Said man

Kengkla,Ple and Red look at what the man look and they saw Techno,Good and Technic just got beat with someone

Kengkla saw that just run at them and he quietly approach the bad guys with a big wooden at his hand and he hit the bad guys hardly and one of the bad guys run and left his friends that just got hit by a wooden

Red and Ple catch the man that just got hit by Kengkla and another bad guys run away so fast

Kengkla go to Techno and he saw that Techno is so weak because he has blood at his face and hand and he look at Good and Technic and they all got beaten  but not so bad like Techno

Kengkla look at Red and Ple

"Red!Ple!stop hit that man,i think he will die if you guys continue hit him " said Kengkla to the twins that just beat the bad guys

"Shi* you,fuc* it,you deserve to die at here you know!!" Said Ple at that bad guy

Red want to punch that guys but Kengkla want to Red and Ple to calm down

"You will regret to do this" Said Red to that guys

Kengkla  lift Techno like bridal style and he hear that Techno is pain and he go to the car and after Red and Ple help Technic and Good to get in car they all go to hospital to send Technic and Good and Techno


Hi guys
What happen
What will happen to the bad guys after Red and Ple start spy them
What happen to Kengkla after that
What happen to Good
What happen to Technic
What will Type reaction about Good
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Bye bye my lovely reader
Thanks for comments and the comments make me excited to do this story
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