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After 24 minute them saw Tinn with angry face walk towards them with Pete that always smile at them

"Ple and Red!!Lets go home now!i dont want you to friends with them😡" Tinn angry at the twins

"Ai'Tinn,they just want to make friends😊" Pete just sit beside Techno

"Ai'Tinn,sit here!!😄" Red drage Tinn to sit beside Can

"Auu,why you do that?😕" Ple just whisper at Red

"Nothing!!i think that Can and Tinn is something😆" Red whisper at Ple

"What!why i cant see something about them?!😣" Ple whisper at Red

"Ai'Tinn~~why you so mad!!lets make new friends😇" Red

They talk about something and Tinn just playing with his phone.
When Tinn,Red and Ple back home,Tinn mad and shouted at The twins.Red silent because Tinn shouted at them and Tinn mad at them because the twins just want to make friends with not upper class.Ple that just silent hear Tinn mad

"Why?why we cant friends with them😑" Ple ask at Tinn

"Because they guys not upper class?P'Tinn,they all human too,don't because you rich you be arrogant!if they not upper class like P'Tinn they all nice people,yes,i'm believe that 'not upper class' want to friends with us because money and i'm and Red have that friends,but not they all people like that P'Tinn😡" Ple out from Tinn house because she really mad at Tinn.Red that just silent smile at Tinn

"Please P'Tinn,i hope your ego will gone,P' doesn't know my full story when i and Ple at Korea😦" Red go in her bedroom and locked her room.Tinn feel guilty because Red and Ple from poor family but they work and they got work at Korea and they start doing bussines at Korea but Tinn dont know what the real story about the Twins

Tinn search Ple at everywhere but he not found Ple yet,Tinn sit at empty chair.Can walk and look at someone figure that he know

"It's Tinn!!😇" Can

"Auu,P'Tinn!!why you here?its night already,are you okay?😕" Can sit beside Tinn

"It's okay,nothing happen😔" Tinn

"But your face show that you have some problem😤" Can

"Ple mad at me and she run out😦" Tinn

"Auu,dont worry!!i think she will came back,she girls!😉" Can

"I hope so😧" Tinn

"Lets go!,i think acroos this street have delicious noodle!!lets go,but can you treat me?😆" Can

"Okay,just today because my mood is good right now😑" Tinn and Can happy and go to Tinn car


Ple sit at empty wooden chair at park,Ple that just sit quietly shouted slow because someone just make Ple shock

"Auu,P'Good!!you make my heart stop you know!!😣" Ple know that Good just want to make fun at she

"What--are-you--doing-here?😊" Good

"Nothing☺" Ple

"Lets-go-home-i will accompany you😊" Good

"Okay😊" Ple nodd because she doesnt want to make Good sad

When Ple back home she look Tinn and Red at living room

"What you guys talk about?😕" Ple sit

✔Blind By Love [KlaNo/TinCan/AePete]Where stories live. Discover now