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"Can you guys buy something?you guys not doing anything at here" Type said to Tinn and Ple

Tinn want to mad but Ple stop Tinn before Tinn want to say something

"What we have to buy?" Said Ple

"Buy some ingredients  for lunch" Ple just nod her head

"Buy me lolipop please" Can said to Ple and Ple nod and smile and  she drage Tinn to the car rent

Ple drive the car about 2 minute they park their car at parking and they buy something for lunch and they way to their house rent and at car Ple start the conversation

"P'Tinn,why you always angry at Can" Ple

"Because he stubborn" Tinn

"I think he cute and adorable and I hope he will be my brother in law" said Ple

"Who?Red?" Tinn

"No!!" Ple

"Then who?you don't have any sister right?" Tinn

"Yeah..I know about that" Ple smirk and look at his brother

"It's you P'" Ple said in heart because she doesn't want Tinn to get mad

They park at the car rent but Ple just remember that Can want lolipop

"P'Tinn!I forget to buy lolipop for Can" Ple

"Just ignore it" Tinn

"No,I have to buy it,P' go in first because I want to go back to shop" Ple

"Okay" Said Tinn and see Ple car gone

Tinn went to house but he stopped by can at beach

"Where Ple? " Said Can

"She go to the shop!" Tinn

"Auu,why you here?why you not buy ingredients with Ai'Ple?" Can

"You not see what I hold right now?!" Said Tinn and show Can what he hold

"Auu,but why she go to shop again?" Can

"She buy your lolipop" Tinn

"Why you not accompany her?" Can

"Can you just shut up your mouth" Tinn

"Why you not accompany Ple?what if something happen to her?what if someone just.." Can can't finish his word because something just lend at his lips and he shock Tinn kiss him

"Now you know how to shut up" Tinn said after he break his kiss

"What!!are you just kiss me?!!" Can shouted at Tinn that just go away like that after he just take his first kiss

Ple that just saw just smile

"That was so cool P',i'm proud to be your brother" Ple chuckled and she going to see Can that already shouted at Tinn

"Ai'Can!!what you doing here" said Ple pretend that she see nothing

"Nothing~~do you have my lolipop" Can

"Yes,I bought 6 for you!!" Ple smile at Can

"I will pay back" Said Can

"No,you done pay your lolipop because your drama with P'Tinn..I hope your drama will came to cinema or TV. .cool right?!!but kids can't look it..haha" Ple said happily

"You see?!!" Said Can

"Of course!!and I happy to watch it" Said Ple with her fujoshi smile

"Auu,Can you keep it as secret!!" Can beg Ple

"Ermm,okay!!but i want one of your lolipop" Ple pointed at purple lolipop

"Okay,take it,secret okay" Can said

Can run to Good to show that he got 5 lolipop and Ple just shook his head and smile and eat the lolipop

Red that saw Can shouted to Good that he got lolipop just ignore because she already know that Can is childless  and Red go to Techno at kitchen

"Are you okay P'?" Said Red

"Why you say like that?" Techno

"About yesterday,you afraid of dark right?" Red

"How you know about that?" Techno

"Ermm,i just,I.." Red not finish her word because she saw Kengkla walk in the kitchen

"What you guys doing here?" Said Kengkla

"I go first" Said Red because she know that kengkla jealous and go to Can that just eat his lolipop

"What you guys talking about?" Said Kengkla to Techno after Red get out from kitchen

"Nothing" Techno and still do some work at kitchen

Kengkla sit at chair and just look at Techno


"Where P'Tinn" said Ple to Red and Red just lift up her shoulder and Ple saw that Can says something she can't hear because Can said so slow and Ple know that Can mad at Tinn

Ple walk to the kitchen but she u turn because she saw Kengkla backhug Techno at kitchen

"Don't ruined a drama Ple" Ple sit at beside Ae that always smile at Pete

"Hey Ae!can I ask u something" said Ple to Ae

"What?" Ae and Pete just look at Ple

"Do you guys couple?" Ple talk straight to the point that make Can,Red,Good,Pond and technic look back because they hear what Ple said and they want to hear the answer

"What you guys think?" Ae

"Couple!!" Can,Red,Good,Pond,Ple and Technic said together

"Shhh,promise not to tell Tinn ok" Pete

"Okay" Can,Red,Good,Pond,Technic and Ple said together again

"Wow,so many couple" Ple

Thanks for always read this story
And sorry if this book is bored

pdate twice in 1 day

!!Why Kengkla hug Techno!!
The reason will update soon


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