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"P'..can you sign this" said Ple

"What is this?" Said Techno and read

"You pay my operation with your money?NO!!dont do that..i dont want to trouble you" said Techno after he read the paper

"But P..everyone needs you,Kengkla needs you,and we all needs you,if you not do the operation,your cancer will be at stage 4..and its so dangerous for you" said Ple

"I'm sorry,i cant" Techno low his head down

"Dont you dare to say no to me!!just sign this paper,if i came back here i want to look your signature at this paper and if not i will tell everyone about this" A real Ple come and he bored being kind at everyone😂

"I-i.." Techno cant finish his word because Ple just get out from the room


"Can you stop following me Frarie" said Tinn after his see his ex girlfriends

"I want you!!why you not understand me?everyday i miss at you!!you not miss me?!" Said Ex girlfriends Tinn

"No" said Tinn and get in his car but in the same time Frarie get in the car too

"What are you doing?!" Tinn shouted

"You think i dont know that you always with someone!!his name is Can right?are you gays?!" Said Frarie without shame

"Why you want me to answer yoir questions?!" Said Tinn

"Okay..just look at your Can because oneday your love will end his life" Said Frarie with evil laugh and she get out from Tinn car

Tinn just ignore it and after a while he start think what Frarie talk to him

She wants to make Can die or what?and Tinn started to panic because his ex girlfriends is psycho

"I have to look at Can right know" Tinn drive his car to Can house


"Ai'Good,this is your house?" Said Type

"Yeah,lets get in,my house dont have anyone because my family always busy" said Good and open his door

"I dont know that your house is big" said Type

"Why you not join ic students?" Said Type again

"I dont want to show to everyone because i think if i show my identity at everyone they want to friends with me just because of money" said Good and smile at Type

Type just smile at Good because he love to look Good smile

"Sit here and i will make you some coffee"said good

"You sick,you have to sit here and i will make you water" Said Type and drag Good at Couch

But Type push Good to hard and its make they fall at couch together and Type top Good

Type look at Good because Good look more cute when they close and after a second Good peck Type lips and that make Type shock and Type get up from Good

"Haha..dont be to afraid!!i just want to know how kiss fell and i want to know what Kengkla and Techno fell and what Tinn and Can fell" Said Good with innoncent face

"I-i will get your drink" said Type and Good doesnt know that type is blush because Type has a sweet brown skin


"Ai'Ae,what happen to your face?!who beat you?!" Said Pete panic

"Nothing happen" said Ae and he look at Pete

"P'Trump do this to you?" Said Pete and Ae just just nod his head

"He come back!!i thought he dont want to disturb we again!!"said Pete and clean wounds at Ae face

"He wants money and he said that if he cant get the money he want to kill you" said Ae

"Ai'Ae,dont worry about that,i'm not weak and i will take care of myself,why you have to fight like this!?" Said Pete

"Because i dont want anything happen to you" Said Ae and stare at Pete


"P'Techno!!" Ple wave at Techno after she get in the room and he look that Kengkla still not there

"Where the paper?" said Ple again and Techno pass Ple the paper

"Good,i know P' is such a good boy and dont worry because i will pay the bill and you dont have to repay back because i will take Kengkla money at his bank after he know your operation because he your husband na...hehe" said Ple and pat Techno shoulder

"Ai'Ple,i'm scared" said Techno

"What scared?!" Said Someone that just enter to the room

"What your holding Ple?" Said the man again

"No-Nothing Ai'Kla!!i have to go now!!Bye Bye!!" Said Ple and run from them because techno dont want kengkla to know his sick early

"Why Ple so weird this day" said Kengkla and give Techno ice cream


In Ple phone

"Hello Red!!why you call me?!" 

"You know 2moons!!you know Mingkit!!you know phanawayo!!!you know forthbeam!!"

"Yeah,why?!something happen?"

"They will do 2moons season 2"

"Good!!i will check the teaser later"

"But!!the actor will change!!the actor change!!no Mingkit!!no Phanawayo!!no Forthbeam!!"

"Really?!..okay,i have something to do bye"

"What!!why your reaction like that?you like mingkit right?!"

"Yeah!!i like mingkit but i dont have time to talk about this..bye Red"


Red not finish her word because Ple off her Phone and walk in the doc room

"I got the signature" said Ple

"Thanks god!!but----"


Hi guysss
Sorry for late update
Sorry for my english
Sorry for my grammar
Sorry for bored chapter
Sorry for everything
Sorry my reader
Thank for reading

I hope Good/Best can be Wayo or Beam for 2moons
Do you think Best/Good will became who when he pass the audition

By the way i want to tell you guys that i will do Forthbeam story and i hope you guys can support that story soon..byebye


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