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"Hey Ple,P' bored!! Lets go out!?" Said Techno

"No P' , you said you want to hide from the other" said Ple

"Yes you right,but i dont want to stay here forever!!" Said Techno

"What if they saw you?" Said Ple and eat chocolate in front of her

"I dont want them to see me like this" said Techno with sad voice

"Nanana,so just stay here okay,i will buy you some toy to play" said Ple and walk to the door

"This is not time to joke Ple" said Techno

"Yeah i know,i want to go somewhere and the nurse will come to check on you,just stay okay" said Ple tired hear Techno mumble


"You found him?" Said someone

"No sir,we search everywhere but i cant find him" said someone in black shirt

"Where Techno?!" Said Mean

"Just wait,i will search again" said men in black shirt

Mean so strees and start to drive back to his house and take some sleep before start to search for Techno but something caught his mind

"Red?where Ple?" Said Mean

"I dont know?I think i just meet her at mall and then she gone" said Red

"That weird,Call Ple to meet at hospital today at 5.00pm" Said Mean and walk to upstairs

"Okay!!" Shouted Red


"Yow,something happen" said Ple after she come to the hospital

"Yeah" said Good

"Okay,why you guys looks at me like that? Something in my face?" Said Ple and rub her face

"No" said Good again and then the other start to glare at Good

"You weird" said Mean

"No i'm not!!" Said Ple

"Yes you are!! Where have you been? You always gone and dont have time to spend with other after Techno missing" Said Mean

"About that? I just busy with something" said Ple

"Tell me the truth Ple" Said Mean

"I dont know what you guys talk abo----" Ple cant finish her word becauserher phone ringing

"I want to take this first" said Ple and walk away from them

"Yes hello"

"Yes,im Ple"



Sorry for my english
Sorry for my grammar
Sorry for everthing
Thanks because keep reading

After this story end i will try to end my another story and then i want to make forthbeam story!!

After this story end i will try to end my another story and then i want to make forthbeam story!!

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