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"Ple?your name is Ple right?i want to tell you something" said doctor to Ple before she in the room

"Yes" said Ple and they go to another room

"I want to tell you something,your friends name Techno,did he mention anything about his sickness" said doctor

"No" Ple

"Techno has cancer and the cancer level is 2 and its will became level 4 if he not do a operation" said doctor

"What?!but?can i know how much the operation?" Said Ple

" 26,000 " said Doc and check Techno fail

[I dont know Thailand money so i just do a random]

"Ok,i will be back if i have the money" said Ple

"Techno is lucky because have friends like you guys,you guys waited him for 6 hours and can you secret about this to the other because Techno doesnt want anyone to know but i think that i have to tell this at you" said doctor with smile

"Can i know something?" Ple

"Did techno know that he has to do a operation?" Said Ple

"Yes,but he say that he don't have money and he doesn't want anyone to know so he want me to secret about this" said doctor

"Ouhh,ok,i go first and if i have money i will came back!Bye" said Ple and go out from the room

"Hmm,my bank?"  Ple check her account and she smile because she can pay Techno operation


"Ai,No!!why your lips look pale?" Said Can

"Nothing!i just tired" No smile

"Okay,we will go first na.." Can said and they all walk away and left Kengkla and Techno alone

"I think you have a problem" said Kengkla curious at Techno

"N..no i'm not" Techno laughed nervously

"I want to go somewhere,i will came back early" said Kengkla and walk away to Techno room

"What i have to do?can i trust Ple?what if she told to everyone?what if kengkla know?maybe he dont like me after he know my sickness" said Techno with hisself because he alone at the room


"Doc,can i know something about Techno" said Kengkla to the doctor

"Yes?" Said doc

"Did Techno has a dangerous sick?" Said Kengkla

"I'm sorry" said Doc and he walk away before Kengkla ask him many questions

"But.." said Kengkla but he cant finish his word because the doctor just fade from his view

Kengkla sit at one of the chair and he think about Techno but something caught his attention

"Ai'Ple!!" Kengkla shouted Ple name because he see Ple far from him

"What are you doing here? I thought you just back home with P'tin and Ai'Red" said Kengkla after he stand infront of Ple

"I..i just forget something" said Ple and scratch behind her head

"Did i dont know something you know?" Said Kengkla

"Ahh,i fell dizzy,and i want to know why i fell dizzy,ok!Bye Ai'Kla!!" Ple run from Kengkla

"Why everyone weird today?" Said Kengkla and go to techno room


"What the F*ck!!i almost caught" said Ple and she go to Doctor room

"Hey Ple!!what bring you here?" Said Doc

"I want to give money for Techno operation" said Ple and sit infront the doc

"Wow!!so fast,okay!i will give you the receipt but you have to take this document and take Techno signature" said Doc and pass document at Ple

"What?Signature!why you want Techno signature?just do the operation!" The anger mood Ple just come

"Hey!relax,we have to make sure that Techno want to do the operation" said doc

"Huhhhhhh..if i be you i just do the operation" said Ple and take the document and go to Techno room

After she knock the door she get in the room and she shock because she see Kengkla and techno look at she

"Why Kengkla at here?!i want to take Techno signature!!" Said Ple in heart

"Auu Ai'Ple..why brought you here" said Techno

"I just want to see you" said Ple and walk in slowly

Ple pinch Techno legs and Techno know that Ple want Kengkla to get oit from room because they want to dicuss something

"Ai'Kla,can you buy me ice cream" said Techno and Ple smile because Ice cream shop is far from here

"But.." kengkla dont trust Ple

"What?!!i can take care of your wife for you,dont worry!" Said Ple and Techno shock

"Ok,thank you" Kengkla smile and he go to buy some ice cream


"Ai'Ae,we couple for a month and you seem unhappy this week,why?you hate being with me?" Said Pete

"No,i'm not" said Ae

"I just think,what happen if i tell your mother about our realitionship" said Ae again

"I know that not what in your mind now" said Pete

"Hmm..i see you go out with P'Tin" said Ae

"Auu..we just friends na.." said Pete and clingy at Ae arms

"I see Tin flirt with you" said Ae

"We not!he just wiped something at my face" said Pete


"Dont be possisive boyfriend Ai'Ae" said pete and smile at Ae

"Dont go out with him again na.." said Ae

"I'm not sure i can keep that promise because my faculty same with P'Tin and i always see him" said Pete


Hi guys
Sorry for late update because i busy with exam
I want you guys to remember that my grammar is so bad
I'm sorry and please dont comment about my grammar😂
Because its make me dont want to update my story
Because i think that i cant do english story
Btw thank you for positive comments

I just update The Dare [type and Good couple]
Plz support guyss

I just update The Dare [type and Good couple]Plz support guyss

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But just an intro



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