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In Techno bedroom have Can and Good they sleep together

"Ai'Can,Ai'Good,what if someone kiss you but.." Techno

"It's good P',who take your first kiss P'?" Can

"No,it's not what you imagine right now" Techno

"So what you want to talk about?" Said Good

"What I mean is what if someone kiss you but it's not girl" Techno

"What do you mean?Boy?or girl?" Said   Good

"What I mean is what if boy kiss me?" Techno

"Boy?you talk about who?about you or anyone else" Said Can and he afraid if Techno saw him Kiss with Tinn

"I talk about me" Techno

"Ouhh" said Can

"Who kiss you P'?" said Good

"I'm not tell you" Techno

Good and Can pout his mouth because they want to know who kiss Techno

"Just talk to him and say why he kiss you" Can

"Just that?! I don't know how to face to face with him because after the kiss I feel awkward" Techno

"Auu,dont be like that!maybe he likes you" Said Good

"I'm not gay and I will try to talk about that with him" said Techno and after Techno said that they going to sleep

"Ai'Good!!where are you going?" Can ask good that want to left room and his hand has sweater

"I want to give this to someone" Good say and go to outside

"P'.." Good back hug Type that grill meat

"Auu,Ai'Good,you scared me" Said Type but still focus on the meat

"Are you cold or hot?" Ask Good

"Why?you know that if night the weather will cold and we also at beach" Say Type and Good just nod and give Type the sweater

"I bought you this" Good cover Type body with sweater that he just bought and sit beside Type

"Thank you Nong" Type rub Good hair and that make Good hair became mess

"Good,i always found you cute these day!" Type giggle and start to fix Good hair

"Did i ?" Good look at Type

Type stopped doing what he do and he hold Good face and he rub

"Yes you are" Say Type and continue doing his job

"Thank you P'.." Good smile and he touch his cheek

"Au au au,dont to sweet at here okay!!i'm not invisible and i cold too you know!!but no one want to give me sweater right now" Said Pond at them that just watch their drama early

Type and Good look at Pond and Type forget that Pond also help him do the meat

"Haha,Ai'Pond!!dont overthinking okay" Type laugh

"Btw,where the other?" Type

"I dont know,maybe Ae want to unwrap shrimp and Techno and Can with his football match i think and Kengkla and Technic i dont know what they doing and Ple and Red i think they watch a drama and the actor name is Good and Type" said Pond

"Bl?" Said Type

"Yeahh,Boys loves!!you dont know!!they actually just do book for make the couple became real and i think you guys at their list right now,good luck naa" Pond and eat one of the meat

✔Blind By Love [KlaNo/TinCan/AePete]Where stories live. Discover now