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"Give me one milk water😁" Can order water at counter and when he got the water he go out at cafe and Can meet Tinn

"Auu,you Tinn right? I say that if i see you i will punch you right?!!😡" Can still mad at Tinn

"Your hand is small and you want to punch me?!😩" Tinn smirk

"Auu,you think my hand not strong?😠" Can show him her hand

Tinn just walk away

"Auuu,are you afraid of me?!😠" Can shouted at Tinn but Tinn just ignore Can

Can look at Tinn and he start babbling about Tinn that always make him angry


"Give me your money!😈" Said someone

"I dont have money Trump😓" Pete afraid

"You know right that i have the picture..you want me to send the picture at your mother?😏" Trump threatening Pete

"Please dont😓" Pete scared

"Then give me your money😠" Trump shouted


"Hey😠" Someone just hit Trump

"Ae?"😮 Pete

"Are you okay?😯" Ae worried about Pete

"Now you have a hero..who is he😠?your boyfriend😈?" Trump smile at them

"Just go you idiot!😇" Ae shouted at Trump

"I'm not done with you Pete😈" Trump walk away from them

"Are you okay?😯" Ae

"Yes i'm okay😳..thank you for help me😀..i think i know you😀..you Ae right?😁" Ask Pete

"Yes i am😊,yeah..we meet at food stall yesterday right?😁" Ae seem know Pete

"What happend?can you explain to me?or if you think that your privacy for you its okay☺" Ae want to know

"Trump did something and want my money,he pretend that he love me and i dont know he plan so i just agree to be his boyfriends but when he kiss me i just saw he record at his phone😢" Pete

"And he want your money?😐" Ae

"Yes😦,you not scared at me😣?" Ask Pete

"Why i have to afraid at you☺?" Ask Ae

"Because i'm Gay😯" Pete

"Gay is human to right?😊" Ae

"Thank you Ai'Ae😍" Pete smile at Ae

"I have to go now and be carefull because maybe that idiot will came again,bye😉" Ae start to cycle his bicycle and going to field for trainee


"Ai'Good!!where everyone and where is Can?😬" Type mad because he waited them for 30minute

"I--dont---know---maybe---they---will---came----☺" Good talk slow like he always do

Type sit beside Good and wait Good finish his word

"Why you like this? I want you to change, because if you want to join the football team you have to be more faster" Type said at Good

"I--dont--know---how-😔" Good smile at Type

"Just forget it,i will think this by myself and i will change you😧" Type smile at Good

"Why😰?you dont like me?😟" Good sad

"No Ai'Good😲..i just want to make you like a normal person😄" Type

"Ok😁--but why😮" ask Good

"Nothing😧" Type

"Errmm☺" Good

Type sigh,his want to make Good became normal like other

Type see Techno run toward them and says sorry because late

"Where the other?😕" Techno

"I dont know😑" Type

"Auu,Ai'Good😬!!i go to your house you know!!, why you not tell me that you at here😠?" Can take heavy breath

"Auu,Ai'Can😯---i message you right😯?" Good show his message at Can

"I not check yet😞" Can

"That your fault😒" Techno

"Er er😩" Can

Technic,Ae,and Pond just arrived at field and they start training


Hi guys
Finally finish this Ep
Bored part right

Thank you for keep reading my story and i hope its not boring story

And i want you guys to remember again that i not good in ENGLISH



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