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This is not a story update because this is just a full intro for character and sorry because i not update yet and thank you for keep reading this story
Love u alalls

Let get start it!!

Blind By Love


Kengkla that dont have any girlfriend after someone cheated with him and what if he suddenly found a guy that make him happy

Techno the person that so innocent about his life and doesnt know what is love because he dont have any girlfriend or boyfriend in his life but what happen if someone just flirt him


Tinn doesnt like a lower class than him and after he found someone that lower class than him he fell like he want to tease that boy and he really want to see that boy every day

Can always angry and he not scared of anyone and he very mad because someone always tease him


Aepete that always know a sweet couple but something happen that make they fight


Type want to make Good became a normal persons but because of his plan he fell like he want to stay with Good forever and ever but he doesn't know how

Good is so slow and everyone call him sloth and he really innocent because he doesnt know that Type love him


Technic is Techno brother and he want to help his friend to get his brother


Pond very good friends and he always want to make aepete realitionship success


Ple and Red are twins and she want to make all their friends became gay because she addicted with gay and they plan to make all their friend couple

Thank you guys for vote and thank u for

I hope you guys can wait and pray for my last exam

I cant wait for ep.10

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