<PART 19>

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"Thanks god,But we have to wait for a week because the doctor want to know more and if Techno do the operation his live is in danger because if he strong he will able to live and if he cant he will able to live shortly" Said Doctor sad

"What the f*cking you talk about?!you say that if i give the money you will save Techno!!" Say Ple angry

"Yeah,its will save Techno live but its dangerous because Techno will die or not and i hope you guys can pray to god" say Doctor

"I give the money and you have to safe Techno and i dont want to hear 'die' sentence and if i hear that words after Techno opeartion i will make sure this hospital will fade from this country" said Ple

"I will" said Doctor

"Erghhh..tell the doctor to hurry up and remember my words everyday" Said Ple and walk away from the room


"What she talk to you" said Kengkla

"Nothing,just a story" said Techno and eat his ice cream

"I have to go because i have something to do at my house and i will came back" said Kengkla

"Okay" Techno smile at Kengkla

"Bye" Kengkla wave at Techno and Techno wave back and after that Kengkla leave the place

After 3 minute someone come to Techno room with angry face and Techno weird because why Ple so angry because she never like that and Techno scared to talk to Ple because Ple face like a tiger that lost his baby and after a minute he wants to talk to Ple that just stare out windows

"Ple?why you so moody?!" Said Techno

"That F*cking doctor with this f*cking hospital make me want to burn this building" Said Ple and she kick chair for guest to rest

"What?Why?what the doctor said?!" Said Techno worried

"The doctor said that--..Nothing,just take a rest first Techno,your operation will start next week" Lie Ple because she doesnt want to make Techno scared and she sit at the chair that she kick early

"Are you crying?!" Said Techno after he saw Ple eyes red

"I cant cry P'No?!" Said Ple and smile at Techno

"Why you crying?!something bad happen?!i'm sorry if this about your money" said Techno sad because he never see Ple cry at entire his life

"It's okay Techno,its not about the money" said Ple and lend his hand at Techno shoulder

"Please be strong P'No!" Said Ple and walk away from the place


I know that this chapter is short
Because i want to make all my chapter 400 to 500 words only because i dont have any idea yet
Thank you for support
Sorry for late update
Sorry for my grammar
Sorry for my english

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