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"What?!" Ple shout and the other look at Ple with confuse face

"What happen Ple?" Said Can after Ple end the phone

"I-I have to go now" said Ple and run to meet someone

"Mean and Can follow Ple and i with other will look mark" said Type

After that they start do their job meanwhile Ple get in car with worried face

"Fuck,why your sick come at this time!?" Ple drive her car to hospital


"Mean,hurry up!! We will lose Ple location!" Said Can and shook Mean hand

"Are you blind or what? Im driving right now" said Mean mad

"Did you think Ple plan something? Ple want to sell Techno?!" Said Can

"Please stay positive Can, i want to focus on the road" said Mean

"I- i think Techno--" Can cant finish his word because Mean suddenly stop his car

"We here,please stop talking" Mean said and hold can hand

"But why we at hospital?" "Ple sick or-" Can shock after he felt something soft at his lips

"Did you just kiss me!" Said Can after 10 second

"Yes,lets go,we need to find what Ple hiding for us" Said Mean and get out from car and start to walk in hospital search for Ple with Can hold his hand tight


"Doc,what happen?" Said Ple

"Techno,suddenly he scream and start to cry and after we check i think we have to make the operation as soon as possible" said Doc and start write something at paper

"Please,sign this for his live" Ple nodded and start sign the paper


"Mean!,that Ple!!" Said Can and point at girl that sit at front surgery room

Mean run and grab Ple collar shirt and he dont care if Ple was a girl

"What you hiding from us?" Said Mean

"I think this is the time to tell you guys" said Ple and look at floor

"Tell me Ple" Said Can and hit Mean arm to tell him to take down Ple

"Techno, he-he has cancer" said Ple and look at Mean and Can

"He what?!" Said the older

"Yes he is" "but dont worry because doctor said techno will live if he done do surgery but just pray and hope Techno will safe" said Ple


"Doc,is Techno okay?" Said Mark


After Ple said about Techno condition Can call Type and tell him about Techno condition and give location to Type

[End flashback]

"Dont worry,he's okay" doctor said with smile "but please take care of him because his heart condition a bit weak" said doctor and walk away from them

"Mark,dont worry,he will be fine" said Can

"Why,why you have to lie to me and hide Techno?!" Said Mark angry at Ple

"Its not my suggestion to secret about this, just tell your Techno!" Ple sigh " i think i have to go" Ple walk away and follow doctor

"Ple!!" Can want to follow Ple but Mean hold his hand

"She need time,maybe she tired" said Mean want to comfort Can

"Mark,Techno search for you" said Type after he hear someone said 'Mark' name inside Techno room

Mark walk in the room and the first he look is Techno with close eyes and sweat in his forehead

"Techno,im here" Mark said and wipe away sweat from Techno forehead

"Mark,im sorry" Techno open his eyes and start tears

"Its not your fault,i know you need time" said Mark and hugged Techno

Techno rest his head at Mark chest "I love you too,that my final answer" said Techno

"And i love you more and you my final lover" said Mark and hold Techno hand and tight his finger together

They smile and lean forward to kiss because they miss their time together

After 20second kiss someone interrupt them with knock

"Hey,dont forget to pay back this surgery okay,i will give you my account number at chat,byebye" said Ple but stop after one hand hold her hand

"What Can" said Ple

"You not mad" ask Can

"Why?" Ask Ple

"Because you walk away after Mark shouted at you" Can look at Ple

"Nahh,you know...thaaaaaaat doctor is my crush!!" Ple point at the doctor and whisper to Can ear

"What!" Can shouted

"Help me to get him please" Ple excited

"Nahhh,piece of cake,lets go" said Can

[The End]


Sorry for my english
Sorry for ny grammar
Sorry for everything

Thank you for wait


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