Chapter 38

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Yoga helps you relax they say...but sleep relaxes me more....

"Mr Daichapanya." Kit was forced to acknowledge the CEO's presence even all he wanted is get the hell out of there.

"Let's talk." Mingkwan said directly without beating around the bush.

"There's nothing we need to-" kit's words was cut out when Mingkwan impatiently hold on Kit's wrist tightly then proceed on dragging him out of HR department. The eyes of the employees that witness their boss acting like some leading man in a soap opera make their eyes bulge out from its socket. They heard, read and watch about the two being involved with each other but they never saw them act like lovers in the span of Kit's internship.

Kit's tried prying off Mingkwan's hand that tightly locked on his wrist but it didn't budge. He helplessly stumbled on his feet as the older man dragged him about to his private elevator.

"What's wrong with you?!." Even inside the lift Mingkwan did not let go like he is afraid that the moment he let Kit go, he will runaway.

"Let go!" Kit commands but the CEO ignored him.

They reached Ming's penthouse before they know it. Mingkwan once again dragged Kit out the elevator.

Mingkwan let go once they are inside. His breath came out harshly as he hold on to Hus stomach. He grabbed a hold on the sofa with one eye closed breathing heavily.

Kit noticed it and worriedly and cautiously walked closer to Ming.

"What's wrong?" Not knowing if he will hold Ming or not, Kit awkwardly dropped his hand down.

"I'm fine." Mingkwan replied between gritted teeth.

"You are not,sit down." Kit throw away his cautious though as he lead Mingkwan to sit down.

"Let's go to the Hospital." Kit suggested but Ming shook his head.

"No need..I'm fine, just give me a minute." Ming said with his eyes closed.

Kit sat down with a sighed. He watch Ming's pale face slowly go back to normal.
Ming waited for the pain became bearable before he looked at Kit. Upon seeing those worried eyes, Ming can't help the happiness that blossom inside him.
He stared on Kit making the other avoid his gazed.

"Are we lovers?" Mingkwan asked after awhile.

Kit's mouth opened and closed trying to convey the right reaction to the sudden attack.

He sighed again for the hundred times. If what they said is true, about you will be losing ten seconds of your life every time you sighed, Kit is more than sure he will be did sooner than he think. "If I will tell you yes we are lovers....will you believe me? Maybe I can tell you that just to make myself feel better or maybe to annoy you too...but, I would rather wait till you remember on your own."

Mingkwan stare on Kit sharpen. He wanted answers not riddles.

"No one can tell me direct answers, the internet pointed out we are on a relationship... Are we?" Mingkwan asked again.

"If we are...what are you going to do about it?" Kit watched the unsure emotions on Mingkwan's face making his low faith dropped even more.

"I'm ..not- I'm not gay." Mingkwan wanted to slam his head against the wall. There's a voice that's protesting inside him...what if he is giving the wrong answer? Making the situation worse?

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