Chapter Seven Double Trouble

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Layla played her role well. She cooed all over my dad, it was making me sick. She was pleasant as she introduced herself to Ayden and me so believable it was like we were meeting her for the first time. The fake game she was playing as this pleasant sweet version of Layla did not fool either of us though.

My dad was enamored with her and every time he touched her it made me want to shield him from how dangerous she really was.

“I’ll be back going to make some drinks,” my father said and he kissed her forehead. I had to turn away to hold back my grimace. Once my dad was out of ear shot, I turned on her.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed.

“I was told by Thaddeus to keep an eye on you,” she snarled viciously at me with a disgustingly pleased smile on her face. She was hiding something.

“So you think dating my father would be the best way to do that,” my voice was raising and Ayden had to give me a tap on the arm to calm down as my anger and disgust grew. He gave me a look that said he was not pleased and seething with anger as well.

“I didn’t have to go this route but I figured it would be the easiest to bother you with,” she said amused.

“You bitch,” I rounded on her and Ayden grabbed me holding me back knowing that I would not be able to defend myself and this was not the time and place. Sure could use a drink myself. Layla just let off one of her menacing laughs as she sat down, on my furniture, I would have to wash it so her vile didn’t sink into the house.

“You have no idea how deep this goes little human, go play with your…vampire,” she looked Ayden up and down dramatically as if challenging him to attack right here as she spoke.

Defiantly I thought ‘yeah take a good look at what you never had but was so desperate to steal’; I thought for a moment why would she try to so hard to take Ayden from me. The stupid ‘vampire pact’ they made couldn’t be the only reason. My head was going to explode from this conversation.

Luckily my dad walked back in with a drink for Layla and him and they sat down on the couch, Layla pretending to be the sweet pretty human.

“I think I am going to be sick,” I mumbled and took off up the stairs not able to stand the sight anymore. I splashed some water on my face and took a drink by the time Ayden had caught up to me.

“That was a fast getaway, almost vampire speed,” he tried to joke with me to calm me down.

“Not in the mood Ayden,” I said sarcastically. He was leaning in the doorway of the bathroom his arms folded over his chest.

“Why, why would Thaddeus do this,” I said my voice becoming shrill as I stomped vehemently into my bedroom pacing back and forth. Ayden was silent as I paced. He was thinking about why just as much as I was. I looked over at him and he was off in his own little world. I snorted, laughing which brought him out of his thoughts.

“I never seen you at a loss for words in this type of situation,” he frowned at me from my statement.

“I’m sorry love this is just as confusing to me,” he spoke up quietly and I just shook my head. We both sat there Ayden trying to comfort me for awhile as we I tried to shake off the threat Layla possessed being invited into my house and trying to date my father. Ayden wrapped his arms around me lovingly and kissed my cheek.

“I won’t ask anymore about wedding plans if that will help,” he said taking a deep regretful breath.

“It’s okay Ayden I just think we should worry about staying alive more than that right now,” I said softly caressing his cheek looking up at him with a reassuring smile. He kissed the tip of my nose making me giggle softly.

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