Chapter Twenty-Six

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~Sehun's POV~

I paced around my room, thinking about my actions with Baekhyun. What I've been doing to him won't make him love me. He's probably scared of me. I thought about going to his house, but that would probably be a bad idea. Taeyong probably already knows about what I've done. I decided on calling him.

"H-hello?" he answered, his voice shaking.

"Hey Baek.... I.... I'm sorry for what I've done. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just mad and sad because of what happened. Is it ok if I come over? Apologize properly?" I asked.

"Uh, s-sure. I g-guess."

"Ok. I'll be over soon I guess. Thank you so much Baekhyun." 

"Y-yeah. N-no problem. S-see you s-soon." The line went dead. I quickly got into my car and drove over.

~Baekhyun's POV~

I set my phone down, my whole body shaking. I was honestly terrified about Sehun coming over. What if he rapes me again? 

"Was that Sehun?" Taeyong asked. I slowly nodded my head. "Want me to stay? Hide somewhere? I just want you safe."

"Y-yes please. I would love that. Thanks." He smiled. I kissed him on the cheek and he hid himself in the living-room closet. Someone knocked on the front door.

"Come in," I called form the couch, still not wanting to move because of the pain. Four seconds later Sehun sat down a few inches away from me.

"Hey," he said awkwardly. I kept my eyes in my lap.

"H-hey," I answered. He fidgeted with his hands.

"Look, Baek, I'm really sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. And I know you're probably not going to forgive me anytime soon, but I just needed to apologize. So.... yeah. I guess I'll go and leave you to whatever. I just had to talk to you in person." He got up and headed toward the door. I just watched him go, holding my breath until he was out the door.

Taeyong came out of the closet, grabbing my hand and sitting down.

"Well, that was fast." he said bluntly. I giggled a little. 

"I guess he didn't want to stay long. What do you want to do?" 

"I don't know honestly. Nothing? Just sit here and watch a movie?" Suddenly his phone started ringing. 

I tuned out until the call was over. It was around five minutes. 

"Well I guess not. That was Renjun demanding for me to come home. I'll text you later ok Baek? Love you." He kissed me on the cheek and headed toward the door.

"Love you too Tae Tae." 

~Jaehyun's POV~

"Hey Jisung wanna go get ice cream or something?" I called from my room. I heard footsteps run up the stairs.

"Heck yeah! Right now?" 

"Yeah. Maybe we can talk. Come on." We made our way to the front, slipping shoes on and getting into my car. While on the freeway, Jisung suddenly turned off the music. I have him a questioning look. 

"Would you be mad if I said Chenle and I did it again?...." he asked, staring into his lap. My eyes widened. I grinned the steering wheel. 

"Uh n-no, why? When? Did you at least use protection?" I awkwardly asked. He cleared his throat. 

"Four days ago and no. I thought it only mattered for straight, ya know. Guys can't get pregnant so I- WE- didn't think it mattered." 

"W-well, it does if you don't want to get an STD or something," I explained. Why the hell did he have to bring this up? Didn't he have health?

"What's an STD?" I almost choked. 

"A sexually transmitted disease. Don't you take health this year?"

"Yeah but not until next semester, why?"

"Because you're gonna learn about that stuff in that class." I turned off the freeway, making my way closer to the ice cream shop. 

"Why can't you just tell me? You are my brother. I'd rather hear it from close family than a teacher. It's just weird." I sighed. He obviously can't tell I'm uncomfortable. 

"I just don't like to. It's weird and I feel like the pros should handle the explaining. Is that ok?" I looked over at him. He was fidgeting with his zipper on his jacket. 

"Yeah it's fine." 

We walked around Seoul for awhile, admiring the warm spring air. My thoughts roamed, thinking about Sehun and school and what the frick I'm going to do with Jisung. Being the oldest sucks sometimes. But it has its perks.

~Jaemin's POV~

I was sitting in my room watching TV when I heard Baekhyun yelp. I knew Taeyong was still here, so the sudden noise frightened me. I tiptoed to my closed door and put my ear against it. I could here giggling and muffled words coming from Baek'a room. What could they possibly be doing? 

Silently opening my door, I crossed the hall a peaked into his room. Taeyong was lying over Baekhyun, fully clothed thank god, and was planting little teasing kisses all over his face and neck. I became a little jealous. But I got over it. He's my brother after all. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I went back into my room. 

Someone on Instagram texted me. We were following each other but I didn't really know him. He did seem familiar though. 

Jeno_Lee: ur Na Jaemin right?

NaNa: yeah

Jeno_Lee: k. I have this really big crush on u

NaNa: uh I don't really think I know u....

Jeno_Lee: 😅 sorry. we used to be great friends in elementary 

NaNa: OH ok. sorry I remember now lol

Jeno_Lee: it's ok haha

I put my phone away, smiling. Maybe I can stop my little weird game I got going on with Baekhyun and possibly start something with Jeno. Because now that he reminded me of him, I definitely remember him. We were great friends. But then he did homeschool for over a year and we became distant and eventually I forgot about him. Maybe we can ge to know each other again. 

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