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~Chanyeol's POV~

I was devastated when I found out Baekhyun had gotten into a wreck. I cried when I saw him, my heart breaking at the sight of his weak sleeping body. He looked so helpless, just lying on the bed with a breathing machine in his nose and an IV needle in his arm. It was unbearable.

It's been two months now. I could tell his friends were getting depressed and antsy for him to wake up. Everyone was. The whole school knows what happened to him. They don't really know anything else thankfully. His private life hasn't been exposed since I kicked Taeyong's ass. Luckily everyone got over that pretty quickly.

It was hard to cope with everyday activities when Baek wasn't around. Even if he wasn't mine anymore, I still enjoyed seeing him around the school being his normal amazing self. The person that everyone loved. The whole school's role model.

I was currently sitting in my car during lunch, food sitting in my passenger seat. I wanted to eat, but I wasn't really hungry. I decided to go to the hospital and visit Baekhyun, hoping for something to happen.

I drove to the hospital and parked in front of the building, noticing how empty it was. I got out and took my time walking to Baekhyun's room. When I got there, I pushed his door open and stepped in, closing it behind me. He still looked as helpless and peaceful as before, his skin pale. I sat down in the chair next to his bed, taking his hand in mine. I was used to not getting a reaction from him with the state he was in. I just settled into the chair, listening to the breathing machine and heart monitor, the only things that proved he was still alive. I sighed and took my phone out, scrolling through Instagram and not really paying attention to my surroundings.

Half an hour later I noticed movement in the corner of my eye and looked up. It took me a good few seconds to realize Baekhyun's eyes were open. He was glancing around, confused. Then he looked at me and his features softened. He tried to speak but ended up coughing and choking on the tube in his throat. I ran out into the hall.

"Nurse! He's awake! Hurry!" I yelled. Soon two nurses came bounding down the hall, bursting into Baek's room and closing the door. A few minutes later they came out and smiled, leaving the door open for me as they walked away. I slowly crept in, not knowing what to expect. I looked in to find Baek sitting up with a cup of water in his shaky hand. He looked up at me and smiled, beckoning me to come closer. I did, shutting the door and taking my place in the chair next to him. I grabbed his hand and kissed I cautiously. A tear escaped his eye.

"H-hey Baek. It's about time you woke up," I stuttered. He laughed softly.

"Yeah. I heard I was out for almost two months. It seemed way longer though," he commented, taking a drink. "How are you?"

"I'm fine now that you are. Your friends are so worried about you. Especially Taeyong. He's probably been here a lot more than me."

He gave me a confused look. "Who's Taeyong?" he asked. I nearly choked.

"Um, your boyfriend?" I got my phone out and found a picture of him on Instagram, showing it to Baek. He studied it then shook his head.

"I don't remember him. Were we close?" I just gaped at him, not believing my ears. Did he lose some of his memory from the crash? Hope flared in my chest. Maybe I could finally have a chance. Just maybe.

"I-it doesn't matter. I'm just so glad you're awake now. Did the nurses say anything when they came in?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I really need to pee though. May you help me Yeollie?"

My heart fluttered. Could he really not remember Taeyong? Gosh, this changed so many things. I could finally have my Baek back. Fuck Taeyong. And Sehun. Baekhyun was mine.

I gently helped Baek get up from the bed and to the bathroom, making sure he was ok before leaving him to do his business. I stayed next to the door just in case. His body was probably extremely weak from not moving for over two months straight.

He called me back in when he was done. I helped him get back to his bed, carefully helping him sit. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Mom: hey can u come home we have a few things to do

Yeollie: yeah be right there

I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket, my eyes meeting Baek's. He gave me a questioning look.

"My mom wants me home. I'll be back as soon as I can ok? Don't leave like that again," I said, a grin playing on my lips. Baek blushed and giggled.

"Alright Yeol. I'll see you later. Have fun with your mom," he joked. I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him, shakily standing up and falling into my arms. I blushed lightly, butterflies filling my stomach. He nuzzled his face into my chest, squeezing me tight. I wrapped arms around him, holding him lovingly.

"I love you Chanyeol. Thank you for being here," he mumbled into my chest, my heart swelling. I kissed the top of his head and smirked to myself.

"You're welcome Baekhyun. I love you too." He pulled back and sat on the bed, the boxy smile that i loved engulfing his adorable face. I brushed my fingers along his cheek before walking about, feeling as though I was dreaming. Did that really just happen?


Idk Yeol. Did it? Lmao of course it did Baek is awake! Hope y'all enjoyed haha



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