Chapter Twenty-Four

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*Taeyong's POV*

I decided to go back to Baekhyun's since I had nothing to do at home. Chenle and WinWin were with Jisung and Jaemin hanging out.

I walked up to his front door and knocked. After a few minutes, I knocked again because he didn't answer. This time I knocked harder. Still no answer.

I slowly opened the door and looked around. Nothing looked out of place.

"Baekhyun?" I called. He can't be sleeping. He would've woken up by now! I walked around, keeping my eyes peeled.

"Baekhyun? Are you here?" No answer. What could he be doing? I picked up my pace, almost jogging around the lower level. I ran up the stairs.

"Baekhyun! BAEKHYUN! Hello?" I heard the faintest sounds coming from his room. They sounded like whimpers. I nearly broke the door down.

Tears pricked my eyes at the sight. I slowly made my way over, the tears now streaking down my face.

He was completely naked with cuts and bruises all over. His wrists were torn and bleeding. I could see hickeys on his neck to his thighs. It looked like he was beat and raped. He whimpered, making me jump.

"B-Baekhyun? Please wake up. Baekhyun. Baekhyun! Please-" A sob escaped my throat when his eyes fluttered open. I cupped his cheeks, staring at him.

"B-Baek, what happened!? Who did this!? I swear to god-" He weakly brought his hand up to my face, placing a finger on my lips. He struggled to speak, coughing and clearing his throat. Letting his hand drop, I sprinted to get a water bottle. I got back to his room and let him drink. He coughed again.

"C-can't really t-talk. S-screamed too m-much. S-Sehun-"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID SEHUN DO?!?!" I yelled, pissed. He winced, rubbing his temple. "Sorry, but what did he do?"

"H-he r-raped me. S-said he deserved i-it. A-and- AHHH. A-ahhhhhhh. T-Taeyong- uhnnnnnnn." He suddenly started moaning. I looked at him, clueless. He pointed down at his waist.

"What is it?"

"V-vibrator. Get it out p-please ahhhhhhh. Taeyong-ahhhh. Mmmmmm. Please." He was gripping the sheets, biting his lips and squeezing his eyes shut. I don't know if he was feeling pain or pleasure. Probably both. I went to the end of the bed and looked at his ass. How vulnerable he looked. Milky white thighs, tight pink hole, delicious thick cock- Taeyong what the hell help him!

I shook my head from the dirty thoughts, looking at him. He was still moaning, squirming. I brought my fingers to his hole, sticking three in.

"A-ahhhhhhh. Oh Taeyong.... Uhnnnnnnn. Hmmmmmmmmmm...." he moaned, pushing his head into the pillows. I retrieved the toy before my wants overcame me. He relaxed. I ran it to the bathroom and set it in the sink. I came back to him asleep- kinda- and his legs closed. Still naked. It was so hard not to react or get hard. He was so vulnerable- I mentally slapped myself. Control yourself dammit!

I laid down next to him, petting his hair. But his wrists caught my attention. They were slashed with dried blood. I jumped up and went to grab a washcloth. Once wet, I started cleaning him. He flinched, wincing when I grazed his cuts. I kissed him, trying to calm him down. I continued cleaning.

Once done, he looked a little better. His slashes were still red, his bruises and hickeys purple. The next time you get marked, it's gonna be by me, I thought, cuddling up next to him. He painfully snuggled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. We fell asleep like that.

I will never let you go~

*Sehun's POV*

Now at home, I could relax. Until my brothers came home. And guess who just walked in the door?

"Hey guys how was your day?" I asked casually. They came and sat down with me.

"It was good. Chenle and Jisung couldn't stop making and touching each other." WinWin said, rolling his eyes. I lifted an eyebrow and looked at him. He blushed.

"Oh? I didn't know you two were together. Congrats." He looked at his lap, embarrassed. WinWin spoke up again.

"The other day Jisung was over while you were with Jaehyun. I don't know what they were doing but it was loud and Jisung yelled. Any ideas?" Chenle glared at WinWin.

"Well?" I asked him. He looked down blushing and embarrassed again.

"W-well, um, uh, w-we were just, uh, heh, well, uh, n-nothing." he stammered.

"It didn't sound like nothing. If it was then why was there white shit on your cheek when you guys opened the door?"

"Shut up WinWin!" he almost yelled, tomato red. He hurried to his room and slammed the door.

"Oh Sicheng you poor pure child. You seriously don't know what that white stuff was?" he looked at me confused.

"N-no. Why?" I sighed.

"Was it creamy?"

He nodded slowly, still confused. I face-palmed. This kid is too innocent.

"Well WinWin, that white stuff is called cum. Chenle probably gave Jisung a blowjob." His eyes widened.

"W-what's a blowjob?" he asked. I facepalmed again.

"He sucked his dick." I said straightforward.

"O-oh. W-well, uh.... O-ok...." He cleared his throat and got up. "I-I'm gonna go upstairs. I'll talk to you later."

He hurried away. I took out my phone and called Baekhyun. Just to check it.

He picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey Baek! How are you liking the vibrator?" I asked.

"W-well I-"

"Put it back in now before I come over there."

"O-ok S-Seh-"

"It's daddy to you now."

"D-daddy. Ahhh! Hnnnnn.... I-it's in daddy." he moaned, turning me on. I reached into my jacket pocket and pressed the button. He yelled, letting me know it was against his sweet spot.

"Oh daddy. Daddy! Ahhhh. That's feels so g-good. Huhhhhhh." I unbuckled my belt and pulled my cock out.

"That's a good boy. Keep moaning for daddy. Mmmmmmmm...." I pumped my shaft, listening to his moans and whimpers and voicing some of my own. I started pumping faster, moaning loudly, forgetting my brothers were upstairs.

"Daddy, I'm gonna c-cum! Huhhhhhhhhhh. DADDY!!" he breathed out, letting me know his seed was released.
I jerked off a few more times and let loose all over my hand and the couch.
I breathed heavily, relaxing for a second. I hung up and set my phone down. Then the front door opened.


Cliffhanger!! Sorry had to end it there. How was it? Don't worry, next chapter is coming soon. Gonna get some Sejae action. Maybe even- nevermind 😜 you'll just have to wait! I love you all💗💗


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