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~Baekhyun's POV~

It's been a week since Sehun raped me and came to my house to apologize. I don't know if I want to forgive him yet. What he did was unforgivable.

I was currently on my way to Sehun's house, cruising down the freeway at a safe speed limit. I had my music up pretty loud, letting the base rattle my bones. Sehun's turn off came up, so I got off the road, driving up to pull onto the highway. But right as my light turned green and I made my turn, a car came at me at full speed, smashing into my side, sending me spinning and flying into a tree. I thrashed around in my seat, seeing my life flash before my eyes. It seemed so slow, the crash. I gripped the steering wheel, watching things fly around my car, watching the world spin around me. When I finally hit the tree, I was knocked out.

~Author's POV~

The crash happened so quickly. Baekhyun's car was totaled, wrapped around tree. The other car wasn't as bad, but the impact sent the driver through the windshield (where seatbelts kids! XD). The ambulance was already on it's way, the sirens being heard from a distance. The police arrived, taking statements from witnesses and checking on the other driver. The ambulance arrived as well, putting the driver on a stretcher and taking him to the hospital. Others came, rushing over to Baek's car and trying to open his door. They saw the state he was in. His head was bleeding, and so were many other places, from cuts and slashes. His leg was twisted in an odd angle. Somehow, his seatbelt broke, and he ended up in the back seat. The firetruck came and the firemen worked on prying Baek's car open to retrieve him.

Finally they got him out, laying him a stretcher and rushing him to the hospital. There, a nurse called Baek's parents and any other number that was on speed dial on his phone. Which just happened to be Chanyeol and Taeyong. Baek's parents rushed over, but Chanyeol and Taeyong didn't answer their phones since they were at school, so they had voicemails waiting for them.

~Taeyong's POV~

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and pulled it out to look at the number, noticing it was Baek. Which confused me. Because this morning he was gonna drive to my house and pick me up so we could ride to school together. Maybe he forgot? Or something happened? Now I was worried, but I couldn't take him call because I was in class.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim? May I please use the hall pass?" I asked. He nodded and got back to teaching the class. I grabbed the pass and hurried out the door, rushing down the hall and outside. I pulled up Baek's number, hitting call.

"Hello? Is this Lee Taeyong?" a girl on the other side asked. My heart stopped.

"Um, y-yes?" I answered.

"Sorry for calling you so randomly, but your.... friend?.... Byun Baekhyun is in the hospital. He got in a severe car wreck. He's currently in the ER. We don't know how bad of a state he's in yet," the woman explained. My heart started pounding now, my eyes wide open.

"W-WHAT!" I yelled. I threw the pass on the ground and ran to my car, getting in and speeding all the way to the hospital. I still had the nurse on the phone.

"I just wanted to let you kn-" I hung up, tossing my phone in the passenger seat. I focused on the road, pulling into the parking lot and sprinting inside.

"Where's Baekhyun!?" I nearly yelled. I was out of breath and anxious to see him. 

"I'm sorry sir but he's in the ER. No one is allowed to go in there. May I ask what your name is?" the nurse at the front desk asked. Anger swelled in my chest.

"My name is Lee Taeyong. I'm Byun Baekhyun's boyfriend and I want to see him. Please," I nearly yelled. I couldn't stand just standing around while Baek was badly hurt.

"Sir, if you could just calm down and wait in the waiting room we'll let you know when he gets out of intensive care. I haven't been informed of what state he's in yet but I'm sure Dr. Kim will let me know soon. Once I know I will come to you, alright?" 

My anger seemed to cease, worry and sadness still running through my veins. I gave up on fighting her, nodding and walking with my head down to the waiting room, sitting down and letting tears flow down my cheeks. The same question lingered in my thoughts for hours. Will Baekhyun even make it? 


Hours later I was shaken awake gently by the same nurse from the front desk. My eyes shot open and I jumped to my feet.

"Is he ok?! Where is he? Can I see him?" The questions flew out my mouth.

"Calm down Mr. Lee. Baekhyun is ok, but he's in a coma. He has broken several ribs and his left leg. He's also broken his right arm and several fingers. He's lost lots of blood, but we got him at a stable state. We don't know when he'll wake up. Go talk to him. They say people in comas can still hear you. Maybe you can help him," she explained to me.

I slumped back into my seat, tears running down my cheeks. What if he never woke up? 



so i know it's been forever and i ended the chapter pretty quickly im sorry i just didn't know how to continue it. hope y'all enjoyed!

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