Chapter 1: After class

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Kurasuma walked out of the classroom, his boots hitting the floor with heavy thuds as he shut the door. Immediately he could hear a hail of bb's being fired, and the octopus calling names. He harrumphed, folding his arms. Irina walked over to Kurasuma, her blouse unbuttoned to a lewd level, per usual.
"Class started I presume?" She asks rhetorically.
       "Do you not hear the B.B. guns?" He retorts dryly. Irina sighs.
       "You're so dense... you know that right? It's like you and that octopus are polar opposites..." She comments, lighting a cigarette. Kurasuma takes the cigarette.
       "You can't smoke in here." He says firmly. Irina pouts in response to this. Silence was the loudest sound for a moment as the hail of B.B.s died down. Kurasuma sighs.
       "I've got work to do..."


       Kurasuma stepped out of cram school, scratching the back of his neck. He wondered idly if the air force would chase the octopus over the campus again. Most likely not. It was nearly pointless now. He heard the familiar sonic boom, signaling that the octopus had left. But to his surprise, the monster landed right next to him. He flinched a little.
"¡Hey! You can't just-... *sigh*" Kurasuma let it go, continuing to walk. The monster set a hand on his shoulder.
       "Nurufufufufu.~ What's the matter Kurasuma?" He asks curiously. Kurasuma sighs.
       "You're following me more than usual... Why?"
       "You really do have a dense head there don't you?~ I like you! Is... Could it be I'm not being obvious enough? Oh dear..." The monster hides his face in his "hands". Kurasuma rolls his eyes.
       "Please... Wait-... What? Uhhh... Like in what way?" Kurasuma asks. The monster squished his hands together.
"Nyu? Uhhh- I... HAVE A GAME TO CATCH IN AMERICA- CAIO!" He zipped off, the grass and Kurasuma's suit following the sudden pressure difference. Kurasuma sighs, walking to his car and stepping in.
"He's acting even stranger than usual..." He folds his arms, thinking for a moment. Maybe he's bluffing. Trying to catch me off guard. Who knows... He sighs, taking his keys and starting his car. Whatever the case, I'll be ready.


       Kurasuma arrived home, stepping out of his car and locking it. As he got to his front door, he noticed a note wedged in the mail slot, but it didn't fit due to a tiny package attached to it. Odd... Probably from the octopus. He took the note and package, deciding to read it when he got inside. He unlocked his door and entered his home. Everything was in place, right how he left it. He sat down at his kitchen table, opening the note and setting the tiny package aside.

"Kurasuma, I wanted to let you know that I've taken quite a liking to you. I know you're very dense, so I'm going to lay it out flat. I love you."

Kurasuma set the note aside, his face reflecting disgust and... something else... he couldn't quite describe it. He wondered if he should even open the small package. He sensed something, something was up with it. He frowned.
"Mm..." He decided to leave it wrapped. He glanced over to the window, jumping in surprise. The octopus was staring inside, suddenly aware Kurasuma spotted him, he zipped away, per usual.

Kurasuma blinked in disbelief, even more reluctant to open the package.

"Maybe I should ask Irina about this."

More dense than Love~ (Kurasuma x Korosensei)Where stories live. Discover now