Chapter 8: Just talking

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Karasuma sighs, stepping out of the classroom with Korosensei. The class was busy with pop quiz.
"Listen octopus, you should go home, alright? You aren't fit to work right now..." He says, folding his arms. Korosensei smiles blissfully.
"Oh come on.~ Just let me stay a little while...~ I'll make fuuuun.~" He says with a smile. Karasuma huffs. "Absolutely not. You aren't fit to work!" He pushed Korosensei up against the wall. The octopus blinked, blushing heavily.
        "Ah-..." He hid his face in his 'hands'. Karasuma sighs.
         "I'm not trying to be- ACK!" He yelps in surprise as Korosensei suddenly puts his tentacles over his mouth. What the hell? Is- oh- WOAH! HEY HEY! Korosensei gingerly started unbuttoning Karasuma's shirt and pants. He squirmed, but quickly realized that the octopus was stronger than he thought. A few tentacles slid under his shirt, gently caressing his sides and chest. Ah-...~ I cant deny this feels pretty good- but we're in school damnit! He was about to shout for help when Korosensei pointed to the classroom.
        "Hang on, you wouldn't want the kids to see you with that boner now would you?~" Karasuma blinks in surprise, looking down. God damnit... He's right, but that doesn't mean this is appropriate either! AH!~  Karasuma moans quietly as some of the tentacles started rubbing his nipples gently, squeezing them after a moment. Karasuma relaxed a bit, absorbed in the excitement and light pleasure. Ah...~ W-Wait a seEEC!!!~ Korosensei slid a small tentacle into his pants, gently rubbing his tip and dipping into his urethra. He bucked his hips a little, his length twitching with need. S-stop teasing octopus...~ Damnit...~ He melted into Korosensei as he gently rubbed his length, slowly forming a rhythm as Karasuma moaned quietly, holding back as to not alert the class.
        "Enjoying yourself Karasuma?~ Nurufufufufu.~" He giggles. Karasuma nods in response. God damnit...~ Just continue already- Ah!~ Korosensei started jerking Karasuma off, pumping his length quickly. He moaned into the tentacle quietly, squeezing his eyes shut as the octopus started picking up the pace. He could feel the pressure building already, his stomach tightening as his body begged for release. Finally he came hard into his underwear, the octopus pumping his length a few more times to finish him off.
         "Ahh... Holy shit...~" Karasuma breathed deeply, panting a bit as he started buttoning his clothes back up. "I can't believe you made me do this in school..." He huffed. Korosensei grins, taking a step back.
         "Well, it wasn't on the first date.~" He grinned, winking. Karasuma was a bit shocked at his answer. Karma suddenly stepped out into the hall, surprising both teachers.
         "Listen Nagisa, If I didn't finish I would've- Well if it isn't my two favorite teachers- heh... What're you two doing together in the hall like this?" Karasuma blinks.
         "Er... We were... talking..." He said. Not exactly lying. Karma scoffed.
         "Tch... lying to a child... shame on you. Oh don't worry, I won't tell the class, yet.~" He grinned, walking back into the classroom. Karasuma sighs.
         "That boy scares me sometimes..." Nagisa suddenly appeared behind Karasuma.
         "What's going on?" Karasuma yelps.
          "GAH! NAGISA WHERE'D YOU COME FROM?" Nagisa blinks.
           "Why is there a wet spot on your pants?" Karasuma huffs, gently nudging Nagisa back into the classroom.
            "No reason! Just let us talk!" He huffed, closing the door. Korosensei laughs.
            "Handled like a pro, Karasuma." Karasuma huffs.
            "Shut up, I didn't hear you coming up with any bright ideas..."

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