Chapter 20: Just a little horny octopus

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       Karasuma sighs, walking to his car slowly, still worried that Korosensei would want to speak with him. As he got into his car, and started the engine, he looked over at the passenger seat. He jumped in surprise as he saw the octopus crammed into the seat.
       "WHAT THE HECK?!" He huffs, catching his breath. Korosensei blinks.
        "Is something the matter? Or... Is something going right for you? You've been awful quick lately... Not only with your words, but your actions! Is there something you want to tell me?" He asks sternly, pointing a tentacle at Karasuma. He was silent for a moment, starting to drive out of the parking lot and down the road to his house.
"... I can't tell you anything. Classified." He knew he had given him more of a hint by answering with that. Korosensei stayed silent, looking out the window for the rest of the trip.
        As they arrived at Karasuma's house, Korosensei piped up.
        "Do you want to talk in your room?" He asked quietly. Karasuma pauses, nodding. They both stepped out of the car, walking up to his house. Karasuma opened the door quickly, heading inside and moving over so Korosensei could come in.
Do we attack now? What?! Absolutely not!
Pushing the tentacles suggestion aside, he went to the fridge and pulled out some popsicles.
"Why don't we have some ice cream? Just help mellow things out?" He asks, smiling. Korosensei seemed to relax, taking one and tearing off the wrapper, eating it in two bites.
"Uh. Alright, I guess it didn't matter how fast you ate it." Karasuma opened his and slowly started licking it, eating it like a normal man would. Korosensei blushes.
       "Hehehe...~ You're so cute.~" Karasuma blushed in response, starting to suck on the popsicle, still being normal. Korosensei continued to be embarrassed.
          "Don't you want to talk upstairs?~" He asks, starting to take off his robes. Karasuma blushes.

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