Chapter 4: A little more

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      Kurasuma walked into the cram school with a calm mind. He knew he'd have to ignore Korosensei's quips and attempts to charm him, but that was fine. As he sat down at his desk, he saw another small note on his desk. He considered not even reading it, too flustered by the day before. He sighs, picking up the note and reading it.
*The students are doing well, one of them almost managed to hit me this morning while eating breakfast! Ps, might want to check your pockets every now and then!*
Kurasuma seemed a bit confused, checking his back pockets and then his front ones. He pulled out a small mint. He stared at it for a moment. He did a breath check, and found his breath was rather foul. Have I been so flustered that I forgot to brush my teeth this morning? He asked himself. Before he could even start another thought, Irina peeked into the room.
"You still have your head in the clouds?" She asks with a grin. Kurasuma jumped in surprise.
"Will you get out?! I'm thinking!" He yelled, red in the face. Irina laughs, leaving quickly.
Kurasuma found himself thinking quite a bit, not about the end of the world or his job, but about Korosensei. Can I really trust him like this? Just lay my life in his hands? He seems to really enjoy my company... But I don't know if this will even turn out as a good relationship- Wait what am I thinking?!
"Kurasuma? May I come in? The kids are taking a test and I wanted to speak with you for a moment." Korosensei seemed to just appear in the room, which startled Kurasuma from his thoughts.
"Korosensei!! Do you have to be so quiet?! Is it too much to ask for people to knock?!" He yells, frustrated. Korosensei blinks.
"Ehh... well I mean... it doesn't matter- I wanted to speak with you." He shuts the door gently. "I've been thinking, and I think you have too." Korosensei grins sweetly, squishing his 'hands' together.
"I'm-... Not sure I understand..." He says densely. Korosensei cocks his head slight.
"Wow, you are a dense one! That's for sure! Nothing I can't fix.~ Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner together, just us." He smiles innocently, being very clear of his intentions. Kurasuma was at a loss for words. "I... I don't know what to think... you can't go out in public-... Maybe my place would be better...-" The realization of what he just said hit him like a ton of bricks. Korosensei seemed delighted.
"So you do want a date! Wonderful! Your place at 7 pm then?~ Oh don't bother answering, I know that's a perfect amount of time to make dinner and get ready!" He says happily. Kurasuma could only ponder his life choices as he watched Korosensei calmly walk out of the room and shut the door behind him.
"This is a mistake..."

More dense than Love~ (Kurasuma x Korosensei)Where stories live. Discover now