Chapter 18: Just another school day

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Psst! Read the last few chapters if you want plot! Thanks!

Karasuma had driven to school today, not wanting the octopus to worry and pick him up from home. As he entered the school, his tentacles made him sense everything around him. Which would include Korosensei sneaking up on him with makeup in hand. Karasuma snuck a peek behind him only to see Korosensei jumping in surprise.
"What?! How'd you hear me!?" He asks, pouting with his arms folded. Karasuma blinks.
"I didn't hear you, just had a feeling of being snuck up on." He states plainly, walking into the teachers lounge. Korosensei seemed disappointed, peeking into the room.
"Well that's no fun... Ah... I'll go teach class now, feel free to take a swing at me.~" He quickly zips off to teach class. Karasuma sighed, opening his laptop while cleaning the back of his neck with a wet-wipe. The ministry of defense had continued to send him emails on destroying Korosensei, and frankly it was starting to bore him. Irina entered the room, loudly sitting down across from him.
"Oh Karasuma, everything is so tiring in this heat. Would you mind if I cooled off?~" He looked up at Irina to see that she had taken off her sweater, leaving her in a tight tank top.
"It isn't good manners to take off clothes in school Irina. Nor does it set a good example for the students." He said monotonously. Irina huffed.
"Oh you're so dense! It's impossible to get into that thick head of yours!" She pouted, folding her arms. Karasuma blinks.
         "Yeah I know. Everyone keeps saying that." He says dully. Irina sighs, thinking for a moment.
         "Do you... like that octopus?" She asks suddenly. Karasuma huffs, shocked.
         "What?! That's preposterous! Why the hell would I like that monster?! Not only that, but I'm supposed to kill him!"
Hmm. You're very defensive... Is it possible you do like that monster?
Don't be ridiculous! Ah-... He quickly realized he was wearing a very intense expression.
          "Irina... I... I don't mean to be aggressive, I just lost my temper." He says quickly. Irina huffs.
          "Whatever... Just make sure you come to gym..." She walked out of the room quickly, her heels clicking against the wooden floor. Karasuma couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

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