Chapter 19: Just practice

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As the bell rang for the end of class, Karasuma got up from his desk, briskly jogging to the field outside for PE class. He took the Anti-Sensei knife out of his pocket. He noticed that the class was still arriving, so he practiced a few of his attack patterns, slashing the air quickly. He froze as Korosensei quickly zipped in front of him, his blade stopping inches from his shoulder. "GH!! What the hell are you doing?! Come here!" Not wanting to go out of character, he quickly made an attempt to slash at Korosensei. The octopus dodged easily. "Nurufufufufu!~ NA NA NA NA BOO BOO! Etcetera etcetera!~" Karasuma huffs, quitting as he realized that the class had arrived.
"Bah... You're not worth the effort, you know I can't hit you..." He sighs.
But we can. And we will. Right?
Maybe... I'm still not sure if I want to kill him... He positioned himself in the middle of the field.
"Alright, today we're going to practice hitting a moving target, anticipating dodges and making sure we hit that target. Today, that will be me." He loosened his tie. "However, I will also be trying to attack you, not to hurt of course, but I want you to dodge as well." He got into a fighting stance, on his toes. "Alright, come on!" Terasuka was surprisingly the first one to attack, trying to make contact with Karasuma's shoulder or side. Karasuma dodged these attempted blows easily, actually a little faster than normal. He quickly jabbed Terasuka in the chest with his own knife. As Terasuka fell back, another student came in, and another, and another, each one failing. He had to admit they were getting better every day they trained. Nagisa suddenly ran up behind Karasuma, but he sensed this, quickly blocked and striking Nagisa with his knife. Nagisa seemed very surprised as he got to his feet.  
        "Sir? You seem a lot faster than usual... Did you drink caffeine earlier or something?" He asks, clearly joking. Karasuma smiles.
        "I did have a little black tea. Good work today, I'm proud." Korosensei attempted to put makeup on Karasuma, sneaking in blush. Karasuma huffed, suddenly slicing off the tips of Korosensei's fingers. The world seemed to pause as the class and Korosensei stared at Karasuma with awe and shock. Karasuma looked at Korosensei, blushing.
        "Uh...I-I..." He stammered. Korosensei simply smiled.
         "Great job Karasuma! Keep up the good work! It seems you've learned just as much as the class has!" Karasuma felt his heart jump to his throat. He knew he'd be questioned by him later.

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