Chapter 3: Just a peck

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Kurasuma drove home that day, watching the scenery flash by the windows. He sighs, disappointed when he arrived home, knowing there would be another note waiting for him. He stepped out of his car, shutting his car door and locking it. As he walked up to his front door, he saw a yellow note in the door. He sighs, unlocking his front door as he took the note. He pushed the door open, looking at the note. It wasn't very lengthy at all, only a single sentence. He sat down at the kitchen table. The note sort of surprised him.

Kurasuma, you may want to consider blinds.

Looking up, he noticed the octopus in the window. He yelled.
"GET OUT OF HERE! YOU'RE A STATE SECRET!" He scolded. The octopus's grin widened to some degree, and he wagged a tentacle at Kurasuma.
      "I think not!~ Not until you're caught up on your yard work! Look at this weed!~" He pointed to a tiny blade of crabgrass. Kurasuma huffs in annoyance at the monster.
      "Get in here you klutz!" He yelled firmly. The octopus slid in through the mail slot in his liquid form.
      "Nurufufufufu.~ I was kidding about the yard work. But- AIEEE!" He quickly dodged a swipe from Kurasuma.
      "Hold still!" He managed to get ahold of one  of the octopus's tentacles, holding on tight, until it suddenly kissed him on the cheek. Kurasuma was dumb founded, his face blank.
       "You just stole a kiss..." He says monotonously. Korosensei nods.
        "It was just a peck. Loosen up a bit, Okay? Enough of "the world is going to explode", and lets do more thinking about the present!" He giggles. Kurasuma blushes slightly.
       "Get out of my house..." He folds his arms. Korosensei smiles.
        "Okay Senpai.~" Kurasuma yelped at the statement.
        "I SAID GET OUT!!" He shoved Korosensei out of the house, slamming the door behind him, holding it shut behind him. Jesus... What the hell just happened? I was kissed, but by a GUY... By the person I'm supposed to kill! Is this some ploy? This is giving me a headache...

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