Chapter 12: Just a little advice

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        Korosensei seemed to think for a moment. He was quiet, looking down at his hands slowly. Karasuma huffs.
       "I know you heard me..." He said quietly. Korosensei looked up at Karasuma.
        "Hm. I see your point. Now then, I suppose I'll have to teach you along with the students now won't I?" He scoots closer to Karasuma. "We all have distinct personalities, as well as hidden personalities that we hardly show to other people. Personalities we reveal to those close to us. It might seem like I'm talking about nonsense, but believe me, you act very different in the classroom! Same as how I act differently in front of the students than you or Irina." He explains. Karasuma nods.
          "Alright, but what's your point?"  He asks, folding his arms. Korosensei blushes.
          "Ah. My point is that I could more or less tell what your other personalities would be like. And I was attracted to you when you occasionally showed them to me." He says sheepishly, squishing his hands together. Karasuma nods.
          "Hm. Alright, I get it... I suppose. Honestly I'm trying to figure out why I'm attracted to you..." He says slowly. There was silence in the room. It was a bit suffocating, he had to admit.
           "You know we'll have to come to terms with the fact that I'm supposed to kill you before this coming March..." He felt tears well up. Korosensei frowns.
          "Hey... It's okay... I know... I know that this is going to be hard... I'm... Sorry it has to be like this..." Korosensei said seriously. He blushes suddenly.
          "Gah! I don't do well in stressful situations! *whine*" He hides his face in his hands. Karasuma huffs.
           "You're embarrassed now?!" He yelled. Korosensei huffs.
          "When else am I supposed to be embarrassed?! When you tell me to?!"


Just wanted to say I enjoy comments! Although I only seem to be getting them from one person-
Anyway, I enjoy writing this series, and I hope you guys like it too!
Also- one last thing-
I'm writing this chapter in class

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