Chapter 7: Just a secret

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-hello everyone! If you've read "In love with Sensei" that would be me on my other account, I apologize for not updating it in so long! So, I will continue it here :) Without too much changing of course! Also figured out I've been spelling Karasuma wrong this whole time... Oops!-

Karasuma sighs, walking into the teachers lounge and sitting down, just thinking. He noticed a brown paper bag sitting on the coffee table. Curious, he picked up the bag, opening it slightly. Inside was what appeared to be ramen, assorted candy, and a drink. He sighs, picking the bag up and carrying it to class 3-E. He opens the door, seeing that Korosensei was teaching class as usual.
"You forgot your lunch in the teachers lounge, here." He tossed Korosensei's lunch over, and he caught it quickly, setting it down on his desk.
"Thank you, I'll try not to forget it again!" He says with a grin. Karasuma winks, making Korosensei's face turn pink. Karasuma smiles, turning around and shutting the door. He immediately hears an assassination attempt take place, but hears Korosensei laugh in response. He goes back to the teachers lounge, opening his laptop and quietly researching types of flowers and recipes that he could do easily at home. He finds a clear glass vial on his desk. It smelled oddly intriguing, and he picked it up.
          "Huh... Maybe one of the students left their chemistry in here... Don't know why they'd be in here though..." He turns the vial in his hand, reading the label careful. "Oxytocin?" He quickly remembered what the chemical was. "Oh no..." He tossed the vial aside, racing out of the teachers lounge, pushing past Irina; who gave a yelp of discontent in response, and bursting into the classroom. As he looked around, he realized the class was staring at him. Korosensei was eating his lunch, and was just finishing it. Karasuma yelps.
         "Wait don't-! Ahh..." He realized how silly he looked. "Korosensei- I think your lunch may have been spiked... With ah... Oxytocin..." He says. Korosensei blinks.
         "Okay? Ahh... So? Wait-..." He thought in his head for a moment, realizing what Karasuma said. "Oh... Well- Er..." He blushes suddenly, and the class sighed. Karasuma took a step back, putting his hands up.
          "Now wait a second-!" Korosensei suddenly tackle hugged Karasuma. The class laughs as Korosensei cuddled Karasuma.
          "Nyu.~ Nurufufufufu...~" He rubs his cheek into Karasuma's chest.
          "Octopus- I swear to god..." He pushes Korosensei off. Karma laughs in the back of the class.
          "Wow Karasuma, If I didn't know any better I'd say you were in love with the octopus." He says cockily. Karasuma huffs.
          "... We're simply colleagues, nothing more. An intoxicated target and a sober assassin." 

More dense than Love~ (Kurasuma x Korosensei)Where stories live. Discover now