Chapter 15: Just Tentacles

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Pssst! If you haven't read the last chapter, please go do so! You're missing plot! Thanks! :D

Karasuma couldn't believe his eyes. Inside the case were three tentacle seeds. Oh my god... How the hell am I going to use these? And why did Shiro think it was a good idea to give them to me? The answer wasn't clear. He picked up a small card wedged in the side of the case. Instructions.

      1: Clean the area of the tentacle implants thoroughly with antiseptic and warm water at least every two hours.
     2: Make sure to take anti-bacterial medication and other supplements.
     3: Do not take pain medication, this dulls the tentacles ability to function properly.
     4: Should the tentacles be used for combat, keep a calm frame of mind.
     5: Listen to them.

      The last instruction sent a chill down his back.
       "Listen to them..." He huffs, picking up the implantation device, and one of the tentacle seeds. They weren't moving at all and they seemed so innocent inside the small tube. But he knew. He sighed, putting one of the seeds into the device and bringing it up to the back of his neck. He braced himself, implanting the first tentacle quickly.




        This is what he felt. The burning pain of the tentacles hurt like nothing he'd ever felt before. He gritted his teeth, quickly implanting the other two around the first. He bit his tongue to keep himself from screaming, blood flooding his mouth. He rushed to the bathroom, spitting blood into the sink. He quickly grabbed a sponge from the sink and scrubbed the area quickly, trying to at least get his mind off the pain.
         "Ghhh-!!! FUUUUUUUCK!!!!" He huffed, slamming his hand into the sink.


           Korosensei arrived at Karasuma's house the next day, worried by the fact that he hadn't responded to any texts. He buzzed the doorbell.
"Karasuma? You home love?~" After he didn't get an answer for a minute, he began to get worried, since the car was in the driveway. He slipped in a tentacle through the mail slot, unlocking the door and opening it slightly. "Karasuma? Hellooooo?" He frowns, finally opening the door fully. He gasped as he saw Karasuma on the couch, looking very out of things. He zipped over quickly.
"Karasuma? Are you sick? Oh- I'll just..." He pressed a tentacle to Kurasuma's forehead.
"No fever, but I can tell you aren't feeling to well..." He said quietly. Karasuma huffed.
"No kidding... Uhg... I just want to sleep but everything is so uncomfortable..." Korosensei frowns.
"Let me get you some pain med-" Karasuma raises his hand to stop him.
"No medication... I don't like that..." He said tiredly. Korosensei frowns, zipping around the house quickly, covering him in a blanket, making him soup, and putting a warm towel on his neck to soothe him. Karasuma blinks, not expecting to be pampered. But he had to admit it was nice. Korosensei suddenly came back with a mortar and pestle, mixed herbs ground up into a fine paste in the bowl. Along with some honey.
"For the pain. You said you didn't want medication so I used my knowledge in herbs!" He grinned smugly. Karasuma smiles, taking the bowl and eating it with a spoon.
"Gross... kinda bitter, but I believe that it will help..." He said quietly, flushing the taste from his mouth with the soup. Korosensei smiles happily.
"Nurufufu! Glad to help love!~" Korosensei seemed so happy. But Karasuma couldn't help but feel guilty about the secret he had to keep from him.

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