Chapter 13: Just a thought

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Karasuma sighed. He had asked Korosensei to leave for the day. It was the weekend now, so he had a lot of time to think for himself. He laid in bed, unsure about his future, his relationships future, the worlds future. He felt like everything hung in the balance, in what he would do with this relationship. He sighed, pulling his blankets over his head. Unable to fall back asleep, he threw the covers off of himself, rolling out of bed smoothly.
"*sigh*" He looked at his casual clothes, then at his uniform and military supplies in his walk-in closet. He walked over to the school uniform/suit. He put it on, glancing at the Anti-Sensei weapons he had. He felt his head swim a little as the thought came to mind. He picked up the Anti-Sensei knife thoughtfully, turning it around in his hand.
"Mm... Can I really bring myself to do this now?" He asked himself aloud. "Can I really bring myself to kill him?" The word caught in his throat. Even then he still wasn't sure. God damnit... I can't lose my job to that octopus... not because of our relationship... He tried to convince himself of the right decision, but even with that logic... what was the right decision? He huffed, pushing his forehead into the wall with a quiet thud. Even if somehow this does blow over, and the world doesn't end, and Korosensei isn't killed... What the hell should I do? Do we break up or keep going? He wasn't sure. He tried to the push away the thoughts from his mind but they still nagged at him. God damnit... this is going to be harder than I thought... Maybe I should call Korosensei and tell him I want a date..."


Wow! Three short chapters in a day?! New record!
But in all seriousness, I hope you guys enjoy this novel! :D Obviously never going to get published lol

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