Chapter 5: Just a date

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Kurasuma stood in front of his stove for about five minutes, unsure where to even begin. It had been a long time since he had cooked a fancy meal for himself, much less for a date. He looked in his fridge, not finding much more than some ground beef and other staple foods that most people would have. He sighs, pulling out some tomato sauce and looking at the meat. I could make spaghetti with meatballs... But... do I have noodles..? He quickly checked the pantry, disappointed to see that he did not have any noodles.
"Damn..." He saw that he had flour, salt, all the things he needed to make noodles. But now he had to find a recipe.


Korosensei flew to Kurasuma's house excitedly, bouquet of roses in hand as he landed at the door. He attempted to knock, but his squishy hands didn't allow for it. He sighed, ringing the door bell. "Kurasuma!~ I'm here!" He could hear Kurasuma jump in surprise and quickly rush to the door. He opened the door quickly, red in the face.
"You're a little early...- I wasn't quite finished getting myself together..." He says flatly. Korosensei smiles.
"Oh, no worries! May I come in?" He asks, not bothering to wait and quickly slipping past him. Kurasuma huffs.
"Hey! I wasn't done speaking-..." He blushes as he realized Korosensei was dressed in a suit and his crescent tie. He couldn't speak for a moment, pondering his sexuality and watching as Korosensei sat down at the neatly set table. Korosensei looked around, frowning.
        "The Feng shui of the place isn't very homey is it? Needs some color, eh?" He smiles. Kurasuma blushes.
         "Maybe I should change the decor..." He says, bringing the pot over to the table and serving the spaghetti and meatballs. As he set the pot back on the stove, Korosensei had spruced up the table with a lit candle and garnished the spaghetti with some parsley. Kurasuma sighs.
          "Not everything has to be perfect you know..." He says flatly, sitting down to eat. Korosensei chuckles.
          "That's like saying cheese doesn't go with everything! And I'm fairly certain it does! One way or another!" He smiles. "Anyway, wine or champagne?" He suddenly pulled out two bottles from presumably nowhere. Kurasuma blinks.
           "Er... Wine..." Kurasuma mutters, still wondering why he allowed this date to happen as he watched Korosensei pour the wine.
           "There we go! Perfect! Now then, let's dig in before it gets cold! Nurufufufufu!~" He laughed happily, picking up his fork and twirling some spaghetti on it. He brought it to his mouth, and, proceeded to blow on it for an extended amount of time, it was extremely awkward for Kurasuma.
            "Will you just eat it?!" He said impatiently. Korosensei stopped, but blew on it one more time just to mess with him.
            "Oh alright..." He takes the bite, quickly scarfing it down. Kurasuma nods, starting to eat his meal, and decided to tolerate Korosensei's insistent blowing. Not a word was spoken as they finished eating, but Korosensei decided to break the silence.
"I can smell that you're anxious you know." He grins, getting up and 'walking' over to Kurasuma. Kurasuma flinched a bit as Korosensei leaned down.
"Wait, at least let me stand-" He got up quickly, but paused as he saw Korosensei looming over him. Korosensei smiles.
"What's the matter? Nothing? Er... Earth to Kurasuma?" Kurasuma zoned out wondering if he should offer another date or a movie.
"Do you-... want to watch a movie? Maybe? I'll let you pick one out from my DVD-" Korosensei chuckles.
"Heh, DVD's huh? Wow you are old fashioned!" Korosensei smiles. "Either way, I'm sure you have Titanic!" Kurasuma blinks.
            "Titanic? Yeah, I think I have that movie..." He walks into the living room, squatting down and peeking into the cabinet under the Tv. He pulls out the Titanic movie.
             "Yeah, I have it." As he gets back up, he realized Korosensei was already on the couch, and had turned on the tv, even taken the DVD from the case and put it in the player. Kurasuma sighs. "Why can't I live life at my own pace?" He asks monotonously. Korosensei smiles.
             "Because you live life too slow. You aren't going to be here long, and me much less- so I say live a little!" He smiles, watching Kurasuma sit down at the other end of the couch.


              As the movie progressed, Kurasuma slowly inched his way to the middle of the couch, but never looked toward Korosensei, in fear of accidentally meeting his gaze. He didn't want to admit that Korosensei was starting to grow on him. As the movie drew to a close, Kurasuma suddenly bumped into Korosensei. He flinched, looking over to the octopus in surprise. They locked eyes, for a moment. Kurasuma gulped. Oh no...

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