Chapter 2: The package

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Kurasuma walked into the cram school slowly, going into the faculty lounge. He pulled up a chair, sitting at his computer. He turned the package in his hands. Irina walked into the lounge.
"Hmm? Who's that from?" She asks. Kurasuma sighs.
       "It's from the octopus. I was wondering about your opinion if I should open it or not... If it's laced with poison or something..." He asks. Irina takes the package, turning it in her hands.
       "I don't think it's poisoned... He's not like that. Could be an aphrodisiac." She says nonchalantly. Kurasuma huffed.
       "Why would that be something he would do?!" He asks, snatching the package back. He sighs, pondering possibilities.
       "Should I open it?" He asks, his fingers beginning to peel the tape. Irina shrugs.
       "Do whatever you want hotshot. I'm not one to order people around." Kurasuma scoffs.
       "That's big coming from you." He says, opening one of the flaps. He peeked in cautiously, growing uneasy. He decided to get it over with, quickly ripping the package open.
"What the-?!" He tossed the gift aside in disinterest and disgust. It was a make-up kit. He growled, taking the blush, eyeshadow, lipgloss and fake eyelashes, stomping over to classroom 3-E. He threw open the door, holding up the various make-up items.
"Why did you give me these?! I'm not female!" He huffed, wielding the rubber-like knife, making attempts to hit the octopus. The monster laughed while Kurasuma futilely tried to hit him. He wore himself out after a minute or so.
       "Rrrr... This isn't ov-..." He pauses, noticing the smell of perfume, and the giggling of the students. "Did you-?!" He rushes to the bathroom, bewildered to see himself covered in tasteful makeup.
         "OCTOPUS!!!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!" He swears. The students laugh hysterically, he could even hear some pounding their desks. Kurasuma wipes off the makeup, tearing off the dreadfully uncomfortable fake eyelashes.


Kurasuma sighs, opening his small package of ramen for lunch. He heard a quick whoosh of air, turning to look to his side. To his surprise, he saw the monster dressed up in a dog costume.
"What do you want?" He asks, trying to ignore him. The monster giggles.
"Nurufufufufu.~ Woof Woof.~" Kurasuma wasn't amused by this.
"It's not my fault you ran out of money... I'm not giving you my food..." He took a bite of his ramen. The octopus looked disappointed, sinking into the floor.
"Oh... You want to see me suffer don't you..?" He sighs, slithering away. Kurasuma paused.
"Why did you give me makeup?" He asks quickly. The monsters grin widened. "Oh silly!~ You read my little letter didn't you?" Kurasuma flinched.
"You were serious?!"

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