Chapter 14: Just a case...

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                       I'm going to try and implement more of a story- just like the other one I wrote- hopefully I go through with it this time. 😅-
Don't worry! There will still be smut. *wink*

       Karasuma had been called in by Korosensei to the school ground early Saturday morning. He had driven there today, sighing as he stepped out of his car. I wonder why the octopus called me over today... and at 7 am no less. He walked into the cram school slowly, cautiously observing the place. He walked into the teachers lounge.
        His heart silently skipped a beat. Shiro was sitting where he normally worked.
       "Ahhh... Can I help you?" He asks, walking over to the other side of the desk to sit down. Shiro nods.
        "As a matter of fact, you can. Well... This favor I ask of you would most likely help you more." He picks up a case from the floor, setting it on the table. Karasuma looked at the case carefully.
         "What's inside?" He asks, about to open it.  Shiro quickly stops him.
          "Not here. The nosy octopus doesn't care about privacy." Korosensei suddenly yelps, falling from the ceiling and dashing out of the room.
          "Good point... Do I use what's inside? Or is this a open and run kind of deal?" He asks. Shiro blinks.
           "Well it depends on who's running." He said darkly. Karasuma understood immediately.
            "Oh... I see... Thank you... I'll take this home. Hopefully the octopus won't visit..." He sighs, picking up the case and walking out of the room. Shiro raised his hand.
             "Make sure you follow the instructions." He added finally. Karasuma heard what Shiro said, but didn't pause, carrying the case to his car. He set it in the passenger seat, and circled around back to the drivers seat. As he shut the door and started the car, he looked up to see Korosensei on the windshield.
          "Lovely weather we're having huh?~ Nurufufufu!~" He giggles. Karasuma sighs.
           "Don't do this now, I have to go home and attend to more serious business..." He uses the windshield wipers, which only managed to squish the octopus's face.
           "Nurufufu!~ But I want to come with you!~" Karasuma huffs, using the wiper fluid to make Korosensei get off.
            "Eek! Hey! That's not fair! You know I don't like water! Much less water with chemicals!" He huffs, pouting. "Hey! What's in the box?!" He shouts. Karasuma growls.
           "Hey! No references!"


        Karasuma finally made it home. He sighed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. The octopus kept insisting on coming with him into the house. It was still early in the morning, and he hadn't had his coffee yet. He set the case down on the table. He just sat there for a moment, wondering about the contents. Can I trust this Shiro guy? He seems of sound mind... God damnit... I better get this over with... He opened the case quickly, bracing himself. His breath caught in his throat.
          "Oh my god..."

More dense than Love~ (Kurasuma x Korosensei)Where stories live. Discover now