Chapter 9: Just Foreplay

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        Karasuma walked out of the school, his thoughts a mess. That octopus is crafty... And I can't deny he's intelligent... Damn... He sighs, walking to his car and was about to get in when Korosensei zipped over, landing by him. Karasuma yelped in surprise.
       "Gah! Will you stop sneaking up on me?! You could just walk up to my side instead of- Mph!" Korosensei put a tentacle up to his lips.
        "Hush... You talk so loud when you're flustered." He says with his trademark grin. Karasuma sighs, folding his arms.
        "Tch... Next thing I know, you're going to offer me a ride home..." He says, joking. Korosensei laughs, suddenly picking Karasuma up and putting him in his uniform.
         "I'm glad we think so alike!~ Up we go!" Karasuma gasps.
         "Hey wait a second! I'm afraid of HEIIIIIIGHTS!!!" He screams as Korosensei blasted off, carrying him over the trees back to his house. He slowly decelerated, the ride over even faster than it began. Karasuma groans, holding his hand over his mouth.
          "Uhg... You- *urp* Should've gone a lot slower..." He huffs, taking his keys out of his pocket and opening his door. Korosensei lets himself in, Karasuma following him in.
           "So... What do you want to do? Now that we're ALONE? And not in a public place?" Karasuma asks, still recovering from the flight. Korosensei grins, curling a tentacle around Karasuma's waist.
"Oh, so many things.~ If you would allow me to show you...~" He purrs, gently pulling Karasuma closer. He blushes, gently reaching over and holding the tentacle.
             "Alright I'll bite... Go ahead and show me, but don't be so rough..." He says, still unsure if he should trust Korosensei. The octopus grins, gently leading Karasuma upstairs. Oh boy... I think I know where this is- WAIT WHAT?! He flinched as Korosensei began to remove his uniform, entering Karasuma's room quickly. Karasuma tried to follow, but the octopus closed the door most of the way, leaving a crack to speak.
           "Just a moment, allow me to prepare the room!~" He shut the door tightly, Karasuma could hear Korosensei shuffling things around, giggling to himself gleefully. After about thirty seconds, Korosensei opened the door, revealing that he was curled up under the blankets of Karasuma's bed.
            "Nurufufufufu!~ Your bed is really cozy, I'm surprised someone as dense as you doesn't sleep on a rock!" He teases. Karasuma sighs.
            "Look... I- Wait a second... ARE YOU NAKED UNDER THERE?!" He shouts in disbelief. The octopus giggles.
             "What? Is that exactly a big deal?" He asks, grinning smugly. Karasuma huffs.
             "What?! Well- That's MY bed... And no offense- but nobody had any remote idea what the heck you look like under that cloak... Do you even... Eh... You know..." He blushes again, rubbing the back of his neck. Korosensei chuckles.
            "Well then, behold!" He threw the sheets off himself. Korosensei had a humanoid body, about the same structure, but it seemed more squishy and boneless than anything else. Karasuma's eyes wandered down to Korosensei's crotch area. He felt his face heat up, the octopus's length was quite impressive really, honestly the most human part of him, looking slightly out of place. Karasuma gulped.
            "Damn... I didn't think you packed something so large. I'd guess nine to ten inches..." ((Making his length a bit more realistically sized, RIP)) Karasuma says with gulp, slowly starting to unbutton his shirt, throwing it aside. Korosensei smiles.
            "Oh don't worry! I'm not asking you to take this, I'm asking you to ah... well... Take me..." He blushes heavily all of the sudden. "Oh this is so embarrassing! I've never admitted romantic attraction to a guy before!" He says loudly, hiding his face in his hands. Karasuma huffs.
           "Guess we're in the same boat..." He admits, hopping onto the bed beside the octopus. "Well... I suppose we have to start this somewhere..." He took off his pants slowly, revealing the rest of his muscular body. Korosensei turned pink in the face.
           "Oh my...~ I wish I could show off such a physique...~ Ahhh...~" He admired Karasuma, holding his head in his hands. Karasuma blushes, gingerly reaching over and holding Korosensei's length. The octopus flinched at first, but quickly adjusted, looking up at Karasuma slowly.
           "Ah...~ Quite a grip you got there...~" He says, reaching over with his tentacle and gently starting to rub Karasuma's length. Karasuma adjusted his position slightly, leaning over and kissing the octopus passionately. For a few seconds, the only thing that seemed to matter was this. Pure and unbridled love. Neither one had a care in the world. That was until Korosensei pressed a small tentacle up to Karasuma's ass. WAIT-

More dense than Love~ (Kurasuma x Korosensei)Where stories live. Discover now