Chapter 16: They speak to me

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        Psst! Go read the last two chapters! You're missing plot! :D Thanks!

        Karasuma felt much better, he had to admit. The herbs Korosensei had given him, and warm towel made the pain fade to something more tolerable.
        He heard a voice, quiet, but unmistakably not his own consciousness.
What do you want to be Karasuma?  He flinched, not completely sure.
I... I'm not sure. I suppose I want to be myself... I don't want to kill Korosensei... But I also have to... Everything has to be so difficult... He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. The tentacles seemed to think.
We see... We will do our best to help you achieve this. When we think the time is right. The tentacles responded. Karasuma was uneasy from their answer. But it wasn't like he could do anything about it now. Korosensei walked over with another bowl of soup.
          "Karasuma? You've been awfully quiet, you feeling better?" He asks, concerned. Karasuma nods.
          "Yeah, I'm feeling much better. Thank you for helping me out." He said sincerely, taking the bowl of soup and sipping it. Korosensei sat down next to him.
          "Hey Karasuma? I noticed burnt paper on the stove... Was that perhaps something important?" He asks.
           "... I don't think so. It was probably the napkin I used earlier today to wipe up a spill." He lied.
It was the instructions, was it not? Yes but that doesn't matter, I know what the instructions were.
          Ah, we understand. He can't find out now, can he?
No, if he finds out that would jeopardize the final intent of me killing him... however reluctant I am to do so...
          No need to reiterate more. We know. Just keep your eyes on the target.

           The school week rolled around again, and Korosensei took the liberty of going to school and telling the class Karasuma was out sick, unable to teach that day. Karasuma sighed, incredibly bored.
We should practice. Should we not?
Karasuma was startled by the tentacles suddenly speaking to him. Jesus! Try not to talk so loud out of the blue, you're going to give me a heart attack! He huffed, getting up and walking to the fridge, opening it. There wasn't much to eat, besides some fruit and vegetables. No doubt Korosensei had gone shopping for him. He sighed. I suppose you're right. Practice is the way to victory. He takes an apple out of the fridge, tossing it up idly. One of the tentacles suddenly shot out and cut the apple in half, then the other two caught the halves. I didn't even ask them to do that...

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