Chapter 6: Just a kiss

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Kurasuma looked up at Korosensei, slightly nervous and red in the face as the octopus leaned down. He shied away for a moment.
"Ahhh, What the hell." He suddenly went back in, kissing Korosensei on the 'lips' gently. Korosensei wasn't too surprised, sliding a tentacle around him and deepening the kiss. Holy shit... Not only do I actually love this... this THING, I'm supposed to kill... but... I just... kissed him... Kurasuma huffs, he knew he had the perfect opportunity to kill this monster, he knew he could do it. But they both knew he couldn't do that. Not anymore. Kurasuma pulled away, blushing heavily as he loosened his tie.
"We... shouldn't have done that..." He says with a sigh. Korosensei giggles.
        "Nurufufufufu.~ But you do want it again don't yoU-?!" Kurasuma suddenly kissed Korosensei hard on the lips, making him fall back onto the couch, his head on the arm rest. Korosensei looked up at Kurasuma as he explored every inch of the octopus's mouth, at least what he could reach. Korosensei seemed to be really enjoying himself, and Kurasuma smiled, pulling away, saliva connecting their mouths.
         "Mm... You aren't kissing back." He said flatly. Korosensei blushes. "Well I'm sorry if I haven't kissed a guy before! That's not to saY-?!" Kurasuma went back in, again exploring Korosensei's mouth. This time Korosensei decided to kiss back, dominating over Kurasuma easily. Kurasuma blinks in surprise, suddenly finding himself on his back, with Korosensei above him. Holy shit- he's pretty good! Kurasuma thought as the octopus explored gently, yet roughly at the same time. He suddenly felt a tug on his shirt. He looked down to see a small tentacle bringing his shirt up. Kurasuma huffs, slapping the tentacle away. I don't think so! Not on the first DAAATE!!~ Ahh! Kurasuma suddenly found himself at the mercy of the octopus's tentacles, as a few had slipped under his shirt and started rubbing and gently pinching his nipples. Kurasuma squirmed, wriggling free and managing to pull away.
        "Stop, not on the first date..." He says firmly. Korosensei blushes.
        "But you were enjoying it..." He says with a frown. Korosensei huffs. "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just...  I need time... I need time to think..." He said, pausing. Korosensei nods. "I understand..."

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