Chapter 4A

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When we arrive at Foster's Pond, the usual mix of junior college kids are already there; Tadhg, Caoilainn and Brody, members of the I-S club, Courtney and Nick from our pet therapy group, and Archer, Pearl, Pete and Ruari who spend a lot of time with our gang practicing at the public range.

After introductions, I notice Ruari looking at me a little longer than the rest of them. I start to feel a little uncomfortable. Just as I begin to wonder if I have something on my face, Ruari looks away. Maybe I am imagining things.

I sit down to take off my shoes and glance up at Cian and Walker. Siofra is hanging on Cian's shoulder and Fionn is ribbing him about a bad play Cian had called during last night's rugby game. They are laughing at their own jokes when I look away and notice Walker. He is unusually quiet, and is starring over to where Ruari and Archer are standing. Pete walks up to them and they start laughing and looking in our direction. I see Walker tense and relax, before walking over to join in the conversation. He looks back at me and smiles, before moving closer to them.

I stand up and stretch. I ask Siofra if she wants to go get changed behind a large bolder nearby. In reality, we don't actually have to get changed. We're both wearing our bathing suits under our clothes. I feel a little self-conscious, though, about taking them off while everyone watches.

"Sure," she replies. "Let's go." We walk away and I hear someone, who isn't Cian, comment that Siofra looks hot today. I look at Siofra and know she heard the remark, too. We both laugh nervously and get undressed.

"So, Jenny," she whispers. "Are you going to ask him out or what?"

"What?" I ask, taken by surprise. I pull the straps of my sun dress down, slipping the garment down my waist, lifting my feet out of it one by one.

Rolling her eyes, Siofra replies, "Walker. How long are you going to wait before you ask him?"

As Siofra steps out of her shorts, I try to think of a response. "I don't...I don't know how to do this. We're just friends, Siofra. What if we mess that up?"

"Hey, I see how you follow him with your eyes," she says. "Either you ask him out, or you're going to self-combust. You've got it bad. And anyway, didn't you see his wrist? Hell-o!"

"Siofra, stop!" I laugh, a blush running up my chest

"Ok. O-K," I say, knocking my hip against hers. "I do have the hots for Walker. OMG! He's my best friend, Siofra! How should I do this?" I ask, trying not to jump around like a crazy person.

"Het-hem, I'm going to overlook that whole best friend comment, Jenny. Seeing as how I'm your best friend," she lectures, giving me the stink eye. "I think we can figure something out here tonight."

"What, now?" I squeak. "Here?"

"Yes, here," she counters. "Don't worry, I'll think of something. Besides, I do owe you one, you know."

"Owe me one?" I ask, bending over to grab my flip flops and then slide my feet into them.

"Yeah, hello? The snake?" she replies.

I start laughing. "I'm so sorry, Siofra. I didn't know that was going to happen. It was just too good an opportunity to pass up."

"Mmm-hmmm, well, we'll just see about that tonight, Missy."

Oh, boy. I'm in trouble.

"Look, I don't want to mess things up with Walker, Siofra. I mean, he's a little older than me, and maybe he just sees me as his friend. He might be joining the Marines soon..."

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